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RE: What are you doing today?

in #wtfyouupto7 years ago (edited)

Looking for a new show to watch. I feel so disappointed after watching 3 seasons of Netflix series "Colony", to know that the fourth season is cancelled :(
Do you recommend any similar show?


I haven't seen Colony yet so I cannot recommend a similar show. But you may watch The Blacklist, The Last Ship, The 100 if you haven't watched these yet.

I'm not sure what Colony is about...HBO's "Sharp objects" is pretty good if you're into twisted series. It's based on a book.

Hi there Boilermaker Babe!!!

hey there @underground ! 😍 You have a good memory to remember that! How she goes? keeping busy?

Oh Yes, doing a short call at the big IGCC plant in Edwardsport IN. They are trying to use a new non-union outfit for maintenance in there, and I had my Knute Rockne moment, made a speech about "finishing strong" and we will likely be back in there within a short time... Guess What? The new outfit cannot even get any Sparkies so we had to have an "emergency call" for 6 guys and filled it immediately, I call that

"Instant Karma"

😁 😂 🤣

They will likely even keep the foot in the door for ALL CRAFTS, and I suspect the next shutdown will get all out peeps back in there. ;-)

That's good!! Keep your turf! it gets ugly real fast. They are trying to replace us with two tactics here, same as you they replace us with with non-union but they are a joke and generally end up getting skidded, the other is they put all the shutdowns out at once causing our union to get outside guys and to prove that that they need the cheaper temporary foreign workers but the odd day off members might get the non ticketed workforce get hurt pretty bad because they work us to the legal 24 days strait and there is no experience left on site for our mandatory days off they got some pretty serious injuries because they don't know how to use dangerous tools so now they have inspectors that randomly come for a visit and check qualifications because we are compulsory(nobody enforced it until now). It will be a slow win up here, but every bit helps. Since they tax the air here (carbon tax) and pipeline drama there isn't new investment in the region. Things are pretty ugly for now but hopefully it will pass. I'm looking at other options tho, for now I'm waiting on the powerhouse to go down (end of this month).

I think unions are getting beat up just abut anywhere these days, they need to be reminded of the specialized skilled work force we provide. right now they keep lowering our pay and benefits and our spineless leaders sign everything away behind our backs and get raises and promoted while we bite the dust. We don't have the right to strike because we are an essential service. I say it's wildcat time, but all the members do is complain and no action and back stab each other or the membership by secretly working non-union.

WOW! It's lots worse up there, and it's also good to know that you see the Carbon Tax as a net NEGATIVE. I've always said that but our "head up the butt" members and officers will do anything our so-called "leaders" say is best for them. The Dem's down here have nearly sold us to oblivion, a ton of union folks voted for Trump as a result.

Keep STRONG, Stay SAFE, and I hope you can keep busy!

@ladybug146 Los Angeles has been invaded and occupied by Aliens/Human alliance preparing for a coming big war between two Alien races on earth. It is an amazing show and I enjoyed every single episode. You must watch it :D

I will check Sharp objects now :D Thank you!

Sounds like a good series to marathon watch, I like alien invasions! I have to check it out. 😁

@arunava These are new :D I will check the trailers now. Colony is the best show I watched after Stranger Things. Just amazing :)