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RE: The conspiracies that won't go away: Brother of 9/11 victim claim the US orchestrated the atrocity as new study shows it was impossible that the third tower collapsed from fire

in #wtc78 years ago (edited)

Here are a few fun facts about WTC7 that most people are not aware of...

Did you know that the same company that did a multi-month long bomb-mitigation renovation (which were completed on Sept 10, 2001, the day before the attack) to the area of the pentagon that was destroyed on 9/11, also did a series of major renovations to WTC7 leading up to the 9/11 attacks (and were also tasked with cleaning up and rebuilding the pentagon as well as debris removal at the WTC site in the aftermath)?

Did you know that 2.1 trillion USD was announced missing from the pentagon budget by Donalds Rumsfeld (coincidentally announced on Sept 10, 2001 the same day the pentagon renovations were complete) and that the primary records for this missing money just so happened to be located in the impact zone of the pentagon attack, and that the off-site backup records which were held on a secure server in none other then WTC7 in New York were also destroyed that day, removing any possible way to track the missing money (both primary records in pentagon and backup records in WTC7 destroyed in the same attack in 2 different locations)?

Did you know that WTC7 owner Larry Silverstein (who also owned WTC 1 & 2 which he bought just 6 weeks prior to 9/11 and promptly added terrorist attack insurance to both towers) openly admitted to already creating plans to construct a new WTC7 building, plans which were completed prior to the attacks taking place (and on 9/11 had a scheduled meeting in the impact zone of WTC1 to discuss "what to do in the event of a terrorist attack", a meeting he decided the night before not to go to)?