❤ Mystery in $uit

in #writting8 years ago

He has her highest respect, she knew he will have her heart eventually. Then he did, he had her the entire time. But she have to stop it, she went away. Now her heart was ripping, realizing after many months of being away. She thought she had forgotten, she thought she had him replaced. But she had not, it's still him.

It started out with one afternoon, she was just doing her obligations, but then he approached her. That very moment she knew, he had her. He knew her name, but she never took the chance to know his. He laid it in front of her, but she turned away. As much as how her heart was beating, she knew she would never be good for him. She went out, and went to attend a meeting. She was sitting, laughing at the conversations at the meeting when he went out too. He passed by and stared at her, he smiled and nod at her before finally going out. That very moment her heart stopped, the whole world stopped for her, all she can see was his smile. She went home, hoping to be able to see him again one day.

One day her sister found out about that fated afternoon, she teased her and asked her his name. She made a bet that she will find out who he was, she'll be guarding her reactions on every man in suit to visit us. She laughed, coz even her, don't know his name, she can't even remember his face, all she can remember was his smile, his eyes, his voice, and the feeling he awakens in her. Only her and him will knew that afternoon.

Months have passed and they never crossed paths again. He was never assigned to them again. She thought that would be the end of it.

She was bussy buying her groceries when she bumped to someone. The moment she looked up, she had her eyes locked on his, she knew it's him. She pretended not to recognize and continue on her way. But he chased her, then he never went out of her side the entire time, he keeps on chatting, asking random things. He knew her well and it surprised her.

That day, had spring to more unexpected meet ups. They became real close friends. There had been times also when he will be assigned to her place, they do their duties together and always end up having dinner wherever they want. She was happy and contented, she hopes for it not to end.

On her birthday, he drove her out. Beside a lake, he had set up a surprise for her. She was so happy, but there's also a hidden fear. She knew he's going to say it. And he did, he confessed to her, she knew it very well at the very first time yet she pretended not to notice. She should have avoided him, when she knew that she will only break him. Tears run down her cheeks, she loves this guy, he's everything to her, she's so lucky to have him. But she have to turn him down, co'z she's afraid she will never be good for him, she'll only came out later, as a burden. She cannot support him, so she should stay away.

He pleaded, to give him a chance, but she said no. He said he will not stop, he will wait for her to change her mind. Another months had passed, and he never gave up. He kept on coming back to her, kept on hoping. She warned him, never to request for her. She pleaded for him not to make a request she cannot turn down. He agreed co'z he loves her too much, and he knew her too well, he knew that with that one request he can easilly have her, yet she wouldn't be happy. He begged to stay friends for the meantime, she said no and turned her back.
She left, not only him, but also that place. She escaped, and went back to her hometown. She was hurt as well, but she knew she will do nothing good for him. She will never be good for him. She had to give him up so he can rise up. She went away hoping to forget everything.

It looks like she had wandered off too long. She thought she had forgotten, but she had not. Now, realizing it, she longs to come back. This time, she will give it a chance, she may not be the perfect one for him. But she promise to herself, she will do everything to make him happy. Only, she hopes he will be still there.