Beliefs kills they said to you

in #writting5 months ago


Beliefs kill. They kill your thought. They kill your decision-making power. They kill free will. They kill your relationship with others. They kill your relationship with yourself. They kill coincidences. They kill surprises. They kill the beauty of life.
They say this is so. That it has to be done like this. They go so far as to say that there is no other way to do this process. And we believe it. Well, it must be like that... of course. If so many people take it for granted, it means they have to suffer for...not at all. Just because. You have to suffer it!!

Will there be ways to do things? No, it's just that when they say it it's because it's necessary. Terribly painful and totally necessary. And to me, pain and obligation make me feel sick, tired, disgusted, and totally averse. Like I don't see them as necessary in our lives. Call me crazy!! But if there is a way to do things without obligation and seems to me that it is not a bad path. Call me crazy, please!! That for me madness is the need for gloating and drama.

Today the stars brought us gifts of trouble. And yes, the first one has arrived early. Chas!! In the whole mouth!! Shut up!
Well okay... So we see what people who have never lived the way we have to live and live ourselves tell us. Monkey see, monkey do!!
Well no! I don't agree but I keep quiet because you ask me to. Need for an unchosen freedom. Need for unchosen decisions. Need to facilitate.... The shit looks fat. I hope you have prepared your paraglider well.

I already know. I already saw. I already understand. I already rest almost out of obligation... So no. And no, the truth is that it never does. From there there are not many valid exits. And choosing without choosing doesn't work for me at all. Thank you!