his post.Let's kick off #WritingPrompts here on Steemit like @iamjustincscott suggested in
- Leave your entries in the comments.
Best of luck everyone! I look forward to your entries. Let's have some fun writing.
his post.Let's kick off #WritingPrompts here on Steemit like @iamjustincscott suggested in
Best of luck everyone! I look forward to your entries. Let's have some fun writing.
a loud bang, clunk, rattle, as a green light washes over the interior.
you feel your perspective changing, shrinking, or was everything getting sharper, larger around you.
a buzzing from your back as wings sprout, you exit your unlawfully gained vehicle floating on frantically flapping wings. a bird swoops, your story ends.
Here is my entry.
I did what any bloke would do, I pulled the knob. It vibrated beneath my fingers. A soft whooshing sound occurred as sleek, quiet wings emerged from the car, gleaming with a peculiar light, reflecting of off the chrome. I pulled the knob.
In an instant, we were rising, I hardly felt it, so smooth did we levitate.We aimed our guns, planning to shoot, but withdrew as the panorama of souls moved in our heads.
We soured high, brushing clouds and staring into sky. I saw that man lay down his gun and turn his face to the sky.
WheeeE! Crunch.
Sometimes the stories write themselves.
Haha, maybe we should take over Reddit's rule of a "30 word minimum post". :p
Well I ain't no redditor. My fingers just type as the mood moves them.
Ugh, wish I had the time to participate right now (I'm with my family currently) but resteemed and uprooted. Keep it coming guys, I'll definitely be way more in this tomorrow, look forward to it : )
Replant! Replant! It cannot survive uprooting!
This made me laugh SO hard :D
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