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RE: "Too Good to Be True" Rhino Rules Contest #2: Animal Stories

in #writingcontest8 years ago

I forgot to write yesterday and tell you how awesome this is. I only told you on Discord. I don't know whether I will manage to get an entry in, but I put it on my pretrip to do list and I'm trying to think about it. The long deadline means I have a chance of making it.


Hurray for long deadlines! You have stories in you - it's just a matter of extricating them. :-) Thanks Bex

The long deadline was great. It's so hard to keep up with all the contests and it takes time to get things polished. Big hugs for giving us time to make our entries the best they can be.

Thank you for entering, and working hard to submit your best work!
It's been fun and gratifying to see the talent showing up in Fiction Workshop-
and to see writers growing more polished, developing their style and voice ("chops")