Spring mornings...

in #writing7 years ago

From my blog: athouse9.blogspot.com

Image: own

IMAG0054_1.jpgThe "creepy tree" in it's central space in view from the coffee spot.
It was easy to tell the season's change on it.
What had died from the shade it cast in the yard, to the skeleton that hung precariously through the winter wind storms on the hillside, to now casting its lime coloured leaves for all the world to see...

The dogs ran about the yard, barking at the "morning jackals" and doves trying to find resting spots on the feeders.
The cat purred her good morning, trying to entice me in for her breakfast servings before my cup of coffee was finished.

The world lingered like it was both real and imagined... and that's how it felt. Unsure, untouchable... not quite in arm's reach, not far away enough.

All the pain and self hate that had been building up, needed to get dressed and prepared to face civilians and life.
Time to put on the face and the mental clarity that keeps the world at bay.

Happy fucking Sunday... all dressed in black.