Best of luck with your book, Rok✌🏼
I would not consider audience too much, in the process. Overhearing ourselves & writing out of a place of stillness, depth and openness is hard enough.
As you know, writing is just an extension of thinking and speaking well; both of which you have shown that you can do, here. Wishing you clarity, concision and flow, brother.
Writing is only hard if you force it, strain for feeling or pretend to pronounce on what you don’t know.
Also, as with so much else in life, timing is, really, everything... Since you’ve been carrying this baby for 12 years, all you need to do,now, is relax and let the contractions take over.
Books are like babies that way; when they are ready, deliver themselves :) Or to mix metaphors, all you have to do is just sit there at your desk and bleed, as Hemingway puts it.
Awesome perspectives, as I’d expect coming from you.
The bit about the short attention spans, that is sort of just as true for myself as them - like putting myself as the audience, gauging for my own attention retention. Thus, the consideration is almost coming more from a, “if I myself lose focus, how could I expect others to keep theirs” - both of which are damn important.
Though aside from that, you’re surely onto something there, and I’d be wise to integrate that into my approach.
Much appreciation your camaraderie and support... 🙏💖
You raise an important point. If the book writing process is not a pleasure for the writer, it cannot give joy to the reader. Put out into this already book-crowded, the one missing book you wish to read, Rok, and it will be the one you're meant to write. Much love <3