Guns Kill People… Or is it People?

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Currently, the gun control debate is actually surviving the short attention span of the mainstream media and forcing both individuals and elected officials to decide what they think and then defend it. At one of the marches that recently took place, one youthful protestor was photographed carrying a sign that read, “Guns DO kill people” which is an obvious, yet artful play on the famous line of rhetoric, “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.” It’s an interesting statement that can create a wide array of knee-jerk reactions from, “don’t take my guns” to, “yeah, well fucking obviously.” It is worth noting though, how normal, or familiar that phrase, “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people,” IS and how effectively it MUST have been marketed to make it so ubiquitous.

So do guns kill people? Or do people? And why do I remember that phrase so clearly from a time when my main media consumption was cartoons, TRL, and cereal box artwork?

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So long as people have the desire to kill, they will act upon these heinous urges. We need to address the reasons that these people devalue human lives. guns aren't the easiest things to get your hands on, and if you want to do the most damage possible, guns aren't the most effective tool, explosives would be. And you can figure out how to make an ied with enough google searching. These people commit these crimes of passion because they are damaged psychologically. We need to find ways to address those issues. Not use legislation as an emotive response to remove firearms from millions of law abiding citizens... That simply will not end well for anyone.

Well said, if people really wanted to reduce so called "gun violence" the answer would not lie in more gun restrictions, they would call for the end of drug prohibition and/or for better mental healthcare.

people definitely kill people not guns.

Of course, a person has the right to have a weapon
The logic of the system must have harsh consequences for criminals
Intentional murder = Execution
Non-intentional murder = Large fine

Guns are meant to kill people easily. That's the point of why vulnerable people like the disabled, elderly, and people living in bad neighborhoods need them for self defense. GUNS SAVE LIVES.

Guns are different than other wepons like a knife, for example. A knife needs a strong person to go into a fight with another may lead to hurt or kill or nothing if the victim is Stronger. However, a gun in the hand of a coward person or even a kid sure may lead to killing one if not dozens of victims in seconds .. effortlessly !

knives also can keep people from knowing that a crime is being committed if nobody hears any noise. Someone can stab you in the heart when you're not expecting it and kill you and then just walk away, you are left to die without even a word being said. now if someone starts shooting people and other people are armed with a gun? yea, that guy is going to get killed fast, he or she won't have a chance to kill many people because his/her targets will be armed and if they are not armed then they should be armed to be able to defend themselves, cowards are not going to attack anyone if they think they will have a fight on their hands, because they are cowards. and also

So even if we consider life is the same as shit as gun .. why we don’t ban one of them completely ending in having only one shit instead of two ?!

I'm not sure what you are trying to say. But I think you are with the Gun Ban Side?
If you are this would be my response, If I'm wrong please explain in a reply.

Banning guns won't solve the problem of mass murders. Someone who is trying to kill a massive amounts of people will always find a way. Right now it is guns and also bombs, then it will be poisons, then cars, we already had planes, and then someone will find another weapon to use. This is not about gun control. This is about disarming people so that they can not defend themselves when nobody else is there to defend them, AND those who were on the scene "cops" did not go and attack the shooter to stop it. So the teachers couldn't stop the shooter and the cops did not bother to stop the shooter, and now they want to ban guns from law abiding citizens so that they can not defend themselves when nobody is willing to protect them from danger? To me and many Americans it just does not make any sense.

That is my opinion, I would love to hear yours.

Of course guns suck when compared to something like a semi truck, like the one in Nice, or a plane ticket and a box cutter right?
So are more people killed when only the shooter has a gun or when people can shoot back?

I've never seen a gun or rifle on its own get up and kill anyone.
The weapon is just that, a weapon, a tool and if not for the person who commands it, the tool would just lay there not doing anything or hurting anyone. Yet somehow we are to believe that guns are evil? Guns defend people from CRIMINALS who have guns and DO NOT FOLLOW THE LAWS that the rest of society follow, so to remove all the guns from law abiding citizens would be to disarm lawful citizens and by default leave only CRIMINALS to be armed. This is the argument that those who demand gun control are really advocating. Make no mistake about it, criminals will not start to obey the law just because you make something illegal. The only people hurt by gun laws will be those who are not armed and can not defend themselves when a criminal attacks them with a weapon. A weapon can be anything if used for harm, so it doesn't even have to be a gun! A weapon can be bleach, a bat, a knife, a can of soda thrown at you, a pillow over your face can kill you, so what are we to do? OUTLAW EVERYTHING???!!! Look to Chicago and their gun laws to see how well gun laws keep criminals from killing people.
I don't even own a gun but I am starting to think that I need to go buy as many as I can and become more vocal about my 'GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO DEFEND MYSELF FROM EVIL PEOPLE WHO WISH TO HARM ME'
and the constitution does not give people the right to bear arms, we already have the right to bear arms, it is a right we have from our creator to defend ourselves from tyranny, from those who wish to harm us, THE BILL OF RIGHTS ONLY GIVES THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT NOTICE THAT THEY SHALL MAKE NO LAWS INFRINGING ON THAT RIGHT AND IF THEY DO SO THEN IT IS UP TO THE PEOPLE TO STAND UP TO THE GOVERNMENT AND DEMAND THAT THEY ABOLISH THAT LAW! AND TO NOT OBEY ANY LAWS WHICH ATTEMPT TO REMOVE THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS!
Like I said, I currently don't own any guns, but I do defend the right to defend myself by any means necessary. And I do advocate that every law abiding citizen do the is our right to do so.

you should follow your instincts, better to have and not need than need and not have.

Currently, the gun control debate is actually surviving the short attention span of the mainstream media and forcing both individuals and elected officials to decide what they think and then defend it.

The opposite is true, the mainstream media is pushing this crap because DNC 2018 has a strategy of running on gun control, but of course gun control is not that popular, so they have an all out media blitz that may very well last until November. Hopefully it backfires.
The problem is the anti civil rights folks define the debate, so they talk about the number who choose guns for suicide and the number of gang murders and accidents as if they are all the same thing and call it "gun violence", that shuts down debate on how to address those individual and different problems and leads to only a debate about gun laws, gun laws which can never solve any of those individual problems. They talk about the number killed and how guns make it easy killed but have you ever seen them talk about the number saved and how easy guns make it to protect?

Because of the talk can cause misunderstandings,
Because from the talk can cause a commotion,
Tongue the main weapon for your safety,
Be smart to keep your tongue talking.

Yes guns do make it easy for people to kill people. Thank you for the enlightening content.

Guns help people kill people

it's the people that need to be killed or the people that happen to be killed

That we live in an age where adults can suggest that teachers should carry guns has shown how far this debate has gone.

Those unwilling to face up to the errors of the past will.always be doomed to repeat them. Unfortunately it is the children who pay the price, they are just no longer willing to accept the bill. Good for them.

No weapon froma wooden club to an AK 47 ever jumped up and attacked a living soul
Its people who do it for a muktitude of reasons
As our second amendment is their to protect you against tyranny and slavery to an ellite few
What is the debate about beyind American leftists cravng those plantaion days and a lost cost labor populace

Weapons dont kill but those who crave slaves do in order to capture them

Right unfortunately the weapons collaborate to kill more people, people should be more aware and use less weapons, we all deserve to live with great content greetings

I am with Tucker Carlson on this one. If it is not 'guns', people will always find something else to yes, It is not about 'gun control', but 'people control'.

The main thing is people "ACT" and "THINK" differently if they have a gun.
Also this difference of "ACTING" and "THINKING" differs from individual to individual.
Just like anything else "CAUTION" needs to be the rule here.

Did you know that guns are used between 500,000 and 3 million times a year by people DEFENDING themselves? That according to one study there are estimate of 162,000 cases per year where someone “almost certainly would have been killed” if they “had not used a gun for protection.” How many of those saved are children? Why does are people only looking at one side of the numbers? Guns are NOT just for “killing”, guns are used for sport, hunting and of course for SAVING LIVES via self defense. If you have something that is used 80X more often for GOOD than bad, and removing that leads to the creation of MANY more victims, why would you want that? Is the goal to simply remove something that makes you uncomfortable at the expense of the safety of 500,000 to 3 million people a year? Why aren’t people talking about that?

Eddie Izzard, Dress to Kill. A great and humorous take on guns killing, people killing, flags, tea and cake. Your wording reminded me of it, so now I am compelled to go watch it again!

worth the hour plus if you haven't seen it.