For Gerard Butler, My Phantom...

or a needle in a pile of hay.
It's endless, pure, golden and gay,
Hence, I want to kneel to thank God and pray.
He's a hundred percent blessing,
to my life whose not working.
he's the sunrise in the morning,
the kissing wind in the evening.
He's my life, my breath, my everything.
And I'll offer him my heart, my soul, my anything.
He's the dream I wish I will be dreaming,
Or the prince in my happily-ever-after scene.
I am addicted to him like a drug,
I can even sleep with him in a rug.
And when he gives me a bear hug,
I swear, I'll give him the world without a bug.
When his eyes meets mine,
I could feel the sun shine.
When my lips meets his,
I could feel the magic of an eclipse.
On cold nights, he is my blanket,
When the thunder roars, he assures me and gives me a locket.
''Oh! beloved'', I say "It's perfect, like you and in return, I'll give you an anklet"
''No need beloved", he's voice soft. "You're already in my heart, mind and soul but if you wish, you can give me an anklet and I promise, I will never put it in my closet".
I never love anyone as much as how I adore this man,
I love him, more than I love myself and other human.
He's everything I have, he's everything I want, he's everything in my world,
He's the dream that was never told.
S'agapo Beloved
not bad