Wow, I did not know they were making that. Russia has upped it's game in Cinema. I will definitely check it out. I think it's about Vladimir the great. He was one of the last pagan rulers in the region, although he eventually converted to Christianity. The guy was a beast. Actually, now I can't wait to see how they tell the story to be honest.
Wow, I did not know they were making that. Russia has upped it's game in Cinema. I will definitely check it out. I think it's about Vladimir the great. He was one of the last pagan rulers in the region, although he eventually converted to Christianity. The guy was a beast. Actually, now I can't wait to see how they tell the story to be honest.
Yep. It's about him. You should also check out this: from the same director came this which cost little more than half the budget of a game of thrones episode:
I will definitely check that out!