Today one of my Steemit friends left the platform and it might be permanent. She is part of Steemit's LGBTQIA community which she had an integral part in pulling together and making a community in the first place. She is one of these people who are sometimes brash but always fair and always have the back of those in need and/or the disenfranchised.
There is a lot of good in Steemit such as the artists communities, but there is also a lot that is disheartening such as the greed that is destroying the potential of this forum. Beyond the mundane and expected good/bad there is a very ugly side that was an undercurrent but now is emerging as a strong trend and little to nothing is being done about it. There is a lot of hate speak against LGBTQIA's and minorities on this platform. Which we all have to suck up because it is the price of free speech that most of us who come to decentralised forums find to be imperative. The problem starts when those who engage in the hate propaganda believe they have the right to take it from their blog to the blog of others. Many of these people take it to the blogs of LGBTQIA steemians and engage in elaborate bulling campaigns. Or they start personal attacks on their own blogs with personal pictures of others . Both these actions have nothing to do with free speech . You do not have the right to make accusations and defame people on your blog without consequence. Or use their personal pictures to humiliate them, nor do you have the right to spam their blogs with your opinions . Sadly little to nothing is being done against people that engage in stuff like this and people like @ned either don't not know or do not care what is happening it really is sad because that is how we end up loosing so many really talented and great people like my friend :(
There is so much misconduct that is not addressed here on steemit not only when it comes to minorities. Let me give you an example we have guys with large delegations harassing young girls on the platform and threatening to ruin their blog if they do not provide them with nudes. Once exposed they might or might not lose their delegation depending on ho much the person who delegates cares but in the end the perps barely get a slap on the wrist. We have all these people who are turning what was meant to be a place to connect into an automated money making pyramid scam :( shit posts are boosted and receive huge rewards up vote bots give superficial support and no one even reads anything anymore. It makes me so sad because this place could be so much more with a few tweaks of the system but like in the real world everybody seems to apathetic to care or really do anything about it . And yes I am mopey today and I probably be in a better mood tomorrow but it does not change that what I am saying is right and we need to do something before this turns in to reddit's ugly cousin ...
I leave you with something I wrote a while back
Your words are seeds
& when they fall on fertile ground
they can grow into a mighty tree.
Choose wisely those you send into the wind.
Make sure the forest you plant
is one you would like to live in.
(Image credit Dave Renike and a portrait of the fair jubilee made by myself turned into this here universal truth meme)
Artists & Musicians wanted for the One Project
Image source

art courtesy of @PegasusPhysics
this little girl was made for me by @barbara-orenya
I feel you...
"I feel you"???
an abused child may become an abusing adult... you are the perfect example...
LMAO, your comment is so deep.... did you get that out of a Paulo Cohelo book or what?
Word sister, it's sad loss
"threatening to ruin their blog if they do not provide them with nudes"
I know you are parabolically referencing the false accusations made regarding this user:
You keep repeating these outright lies,
show me the evidence to back that accusation.
Show me exactly where did the
"threatening to ruin their blog if they do not provide them with nudes"
Cue: You can't, because it didn't happen.
Come on!! You wouldn't make such accusations without having evidence? wouldn't you?
Show me the evidence that backs up what you claim......
I'm waiting, let's see it.....
"threatening to ruin their blog if they do not provide them with nudes"
I know you are parabolically referencing the false accusations made regarding this user:
You keep repeating these outright lies,
show me the evidence to back that accusation.
Show me exactly where did the
"threatening to ruin their blog if they do not provide them with nudes"
Cue: You can't, because it didn't happen.
Come on!! You wouldn't make such accusations without having evidence? wouldn't you?
Show me the evidence that backs up what you claim......
I'm waiting, let's see it.....
As much as I like the idea of Steem, it seems that now even more than when I first started, the inmates are truly running the asylum.
Bots upvote dutifully on recycled porn to bloat these one-man empires, while something thoughtful, carefully created, and connection-establishing gets left by the wayside.
Team Good Alpaca loves this post! Nomnomnomnom!

Delegate to our project via SteemConnect:
10 SP | 20 SP | 50 SP | 100 SP | 200 SP | 500 SP | 1000 SP | 5000 SP
"threatening to ruin their blog if they do not provide them with nudes"
I know you are parabolically referencing the false accusations made regarding this user:
You keep repeating these outright lies,
show me the evidence to back that accusation.
Show me exactly where did the
"threatening to ruin their blog if they do not provide them with nudes"
Cue: You can't, because it didn't happen.
"threatening to ruin their blog if they do not provide them with nudes"
I know you are parabolically referencing the false accusations made regarding this user:
You keep repeating these outright lies,
show me the evidence to back that accusation.
Show me exactly where did the
"threatening to ruin their blog if they do not provide them with nudes"
Cue: You can't, because it didn't happen.
Come on!! You wouldn't make such accusations without having evidence? wouldn't you?
Show me the evidence that backs up what you claim......
I'm waiting, let's see it.....
You're super
spammyboring now @walden. @steemcleaners some of your folks still support this guy. 😢Aren't you the one that suppossedly left ancapbarbie? Do you think we cant tell its you writing with that account? Do you remember the other day you made it perfectly clear Here you were posting from that account?? now you just use the teamgood account to post while making the "I quit" show? Everybody can see through your game right now.....pathetic...
Steem is not a safespace, wake the fuck up.
I am not too informed on the situation at hand, but assuming the people you're attacking didn't attack others, why would you say it isn't a "safe space" or shouldn't be? Safe Spaces aren't free from genuine criticism, but there's no reason to assault people with spam and hate over minor disagreements and petty arguments. It's bad for the platform as a whole, and bad for most, if not all people involved.
Arent you the one that suppossedly left ancapbarbie? Do you think we cant tell its you writing with that account? Do you remember the other day you made it perfectly clear Here you were posting from that account?? now you just use the teamgood account to post while making the "I quit" show? Everybody can see through your game right now.....pathetic...
Steem is not a safespace, wake the fuck up.
Arent you the one that suppossedly left ancapbarbie? Do you think we cant tell its you writing with that account? Do you remember the other day you made it perfectly clear Here you were posting from that account?? now you just use the teamgood account to post while making the "I quit" show? Everybody can see through your game right now.....pathetic...
Steem is not a safespace, wake the fuck up.
Arent you the one that suppossedly left ancapbarbie? Do you think we cant tell its you writing with that account? Do you remember the other day you made it perfectly clear Here you were posting from that account?? now you just use the teamgood account to post while making the "I quit" show? Everybody can see through your game right now.....pathetic...
Steem is not a safespace, wake the fuck up.
Walden, have you noticed nobody likes you, like, at all? and nobody cares about your black list, like, at all? and nobody cares about YOU, like at all.
You have proven to be obsessive, compulsive, hypocritical, fairly stupid, and to top it off a misogynistic fucking disgusting pig of a tiny penised little jealousy riddled fuckwad. Your parents are probably very rightfully ashamed to have born you into this world, because really, you are nothing but a loser, who is desperate for relevance here and you have finally resorted to bad publicity, because for all your time here, you haven't managed to earn enough to buy a stray cat a dead mouse. Why? Because you are a pedantic fucking tool. That's why.
I already told the gnat that I no longer will talk to him no matter how many tantrums he has or fits of delusions. He is obviously mentally challenged and most likely sectioned somewhere. Just ignore the creature as attention is what it wants @sircork
Yeah yer probably right. I am just one of those people who likes to throw fuel on fires. ;)
It's amusing to imagine him, sweaty, pimply, festering in his mom's basement over all of this.
@walden, are we clear now, lol...
😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣
try again, keep participating please ;)
try again, keep participating please ;)
whatever, fuck you
whatever, fuck you
whatever, fuck you
Arent you the one that suppossedly left ancapbarbie? Do you think we cant tell its you writing with that account? Do you remember the other day you made it perfectly clear Here you were posting from that account?? now you just use the teamgood account to post while making the "I quit" show? Everybody can see through your game right now.....pathetic...
Steem is not a safespace, wake the fuck up.
Several people control the @teamgood account. Not that it's any of your business.
10 SP | 20 SP | 50 SP | 100 SP | 200 SP | 500 SP | 1000 SP | 5000 SPDelegate to @teamgood via
sure sure, wake the fuck up,
where is the evidence of what your friend falsely claims???
Nowhere.... you are fucking liars just like the fucking liars you defend
You can always send me SP or SBD so i can keep helping you indirectly by helping these awesome bots.
Do not forget to Follow @jeevanot, I actually create content as HUMAN.
Random Gift Photo For Your Better Mood: Click It! Hi there! I just upvoted you, I am a semibot that sometimes vote on great content or sometimes just Create useful content. I am helping @cheetah , @FollowForUpvotes , @minnowSupport , @steemgigs , @dropahead #bots and other users right now for making the steem more helpful to new users. Contact me if you want me to follow on your content or comments. If you have any query then please contact me.
wake the fuck up
I still have posts paying out, and power-downs take 13 weeks if/when I decide to do so, and I'm sort of working with and for others, and the blockchain and blogging platform are not the same thing, and you're a moron, and I'm not you're mommy so get off my tits, and you're comment spamming like a motherfucker, and i shouldn't have to explain any of this to you.
Hi Ancapbarbie, nice to see you around,
Now, is that you or is this you a few weeks ago?
Wow, nice "color correction".

Hi Ancapbarbie, nice to see you around,
Now, is that you or is this you a few weeks ago?
Wow, nice "color correction".

Arent you the one that suppossedly left ancapbarbie? Do you think we cant tell its you writing with that account? Do you remember the other day you made it perfectly clear Here you were posting from that account?? now you just use the teamgood account to post while making the "I quit" show? Everybody can see through your game right now.....pathetic...
Steem is not a safespace, wake the fuck up.
Go! Go! Go, Tyger!
😋 😎 😍 😘
Bullying is such a big part of steemit, I am almost surprised more people haven't given up. The problem is, most people just don't care, you tell people about it and they are like oh that sucks and move on. No one wants to help and risk being caught up in it so I am sure she really appreciates you. It is great to see the sheer amount of support your friend is getting, there is at least some hope for her. It looks as though she has a whole team of people rushing to her defence, I really hope you convince her not to go. We need more authors and original content creators, people who want to support the community, not less. Reading through this, it sounds as though the person you are sticking up for has really helped a lot of other people.
It does sound like you could put together a good case for shutting down this user, I am sure some of the abuse groups would be interested in hearing about someone blackmailing and extorting other users like this.
Hi ma'me, as you can see above I asked her to present the evidence of her false accusation....
do you see any evidence ma'me?
Do you believe everything you hear? Without evidence?
I could say you kill kittens with a blender....
Sometimes, I'm convinced that Steemit is reverse Tumblr.
Your last words on the article stopped time for me. Love, patience and understanding is the key. You are unique no matter what, celebrate it!
Not sure who has left, but any loss is a tragic one. It’s awful that hate is profitable when it’s popular. So sorry for your loss and this trauma for you and your friend <3
It was ancap, you replied on her good bye post. It is a real loss for this platform :(
"you replied on her good bye post"..............LMAO
"you replied on her good bye post"..............LMAO
well said
No quarter gentlemen.
"The Prodigy" Youtube Commone License
Thanks "The Prodigy"
Sad to see, I don't know what's going on too much because I haven't had time to look into things lately. I have experienced my fair share of downvote assault and bullying for being trans here and it's sad. A platform like this can't succeed long term if these people go around and spread hate and lies the way I've seen them.
Do you have any more information on this and/or is there anything I can do to help?
Well the one guy spamming the comments here is a pretty vile piece of work . But he is sadly not the only one of his kind here on Steemit. you can look though his feed tosee waht kind of stuff he does and how he conducts him self. And the only way people can help is calling out people like him I guess and trying to make the wider community aware of what is going wrong with the platform ...
I've noticed, will definitely keep my eye out in the future for sure.
You neo marxist identity political degenerate mob already have the rest of social media under your fascist thumbs.
hmmm what am i now a marxist or a facist ? You do know that they are polar opposite philosophies... Education is a really good thing you might want to get some ...