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RE: How Steemit Gave Me The Confidence To Write Again

in #writing8 years ago

I'm happy that Steemit has become an inspiring and creative outlet for you. :) Keep up the good work!

I went through a very similar thing as you. I was bursting with creativity, especially with writing, through most of elementary school all the way through high school. I received high marks from all of my English teachers, which was really encouraging. It was only after the first or second semester of college that I hit my first writer's block, and admittedly, I've been struggling with it ever since.

This may sound kinda fucked up but I find it a lot harder to write creatively when I'm happy (as I am now). My creative side seems to emerge only when I'm depressed. I haven't figured out how to break that spell yet.


Aww man, I think teachers and college professors are not always the best judges of good writing, Academic writing can be so boring.

I see what you mean with that!!! I think it takes practice when you are happy in order to create good work. Or maybe you should be in a grumpy mood more so your writing will be better hahaha!!

Yeah, I got so caught up in all the structure and "rules" that come along with academic writing that eventually I became so uptight about anything I'd put on paper, and there went my creativity... it went pissing into the wind. Oh well, I know I'll get it back. Eventually.

Hahaha, yeah, I don't know if being grumpy will cut it but I guess I could give it a shot! What has helped you to write creatively even while happy? That could be a whole post in itself, perhaps? :P

Exactly! It's hard to maintain your creativity when they shove academics down your throat.

Hehehe I should write a post, I dunno, I'm a high energy person. I'm that type of girl you see and you roll your eyes because she laughs too much, Jumps around and runs everywhere! Writing gives me an outlet to release some of that energy because it's over powering haha.