Conspiracy Theorists Were Right About Everything- What Now?

in #writing8 years ago

 We were right about everything. We had done our job too well, and we simply weren't needed anymore. 


It Was All True 

They made sure everybody had the new digital TV so they could watch us all... neurotoxins, fluoride in the water supply to keep us docile and stupid... limiting the food supply with weather modifications using chemtrails...  

 Such were some of the common themes of the conspiracy world for years, and often when these ideas were barked out by someone, that barking person didn't need to be wearing a tinfoil hat-- their lunacy was automatically implied. In this way, if any of the popular conspiracy theories were facts, then they were made to sound crazy through years of conditioning of the public's mind.

 Making the truth appear to be lunacy was perhaps the biggest conspiracy of them all-- calculated and deliberate, it was the management of the mind of an entire society.

Fear as a Weapon

  "That's just what they want you to think!" That's what some used to say to stories of NSA spying on everybody through their TV's and such. Truly, the fear was inserted through the subculture, limiting the imagination, as the manpower needed to spy on an entire population is unrealistic. It's a fair approach to some of the more fearful conspiracy theories which have surfaced on the internet, to realize that a lot of the control over a population was done by persuading that population to control itself through fear. Why waste chains when the whole society will enslave itself with it's own group mind?  

 Examining this level of the psychology, I started wondering how much of it was true. I'd never seen a UFO, but did that mean they don't exist? I'd never seen the Queen of England eat a baby either, but did that make her absolutely innocent? Was the truth mixed with fiction to thereby discredit it? Could such obfuscation be designed to incite fear in the mind of society?

From that angle, I looked around at the vast illusion, and then I even wondered if all of the cameras were fake, installed everywhere just to frighten us all. I asked all of the wrong questions, and I questioned everything. I had become a Conspiracy Theorist.


 Tedious Governing Body Scrutinized 

 In The USA, the whole 'We, The People' version of governance was too much work for most people, and The People had no time for it. Instead, they were going to hire a government like they would hire a maid to clean their house-- albeit a maid with a terrible reputation. This bad reputation is what the Conspiracy Theorist focuses on, but by doing so they could taint the truthful information in a precarious dance with the deliberate leaks of disinformation and misdirection. By this addition of the tinfoil veneer, the poor reputation of the Government could then be swept under the rug-- carelessly covered up in plain sight, it's mighty tinfoil armor now guarding it from further serious scrutiny.

  So it was, that since few people in the USA wanted to rule themselves, they instead insisted on erecting a contrivance that was beyond any semblance of any natural law, without any regard to 'right and wrong'. It was a botched job, but they were in a hurry, and they haughtily erected a central government located outside of their own country, off in the District of Columbia. By doing so, they were promptly enslaved mentally by the idea of being both free and ruled at the same time. They were doing it wrong. 

Black Magic

How could I tell them that they were dealing with black magic on a grand scale, that they had handed their fates over to the worst people on Earth? Indeed, here is where the conspiracy theorists come in to explain, and to describe the workings of a criminal outfit, a den of sorcerers who manipulate the mind of society through ancient psychological symbols and tricks. These were people with dark intentions, using dark crafts.

Everything is a Conspiracy!

 Every stage of government is laced with intrigue, full of potent words which perpetuate the mass-hypnosis over the population's mind, a religious fever which fuels mass murder and human sacrifice as a common ritual. A world of dark topics that were easy to hide, simply because nobody wanted to look. 

 The conspiracy theorist can show, with a snap, the strings and the mirrors, the smoke machine and the trap-doors in the stage floor of the immense fraud. While the evidence is ample, dare to share these secrets with anyone, and they will roll their eyes as hard as they can, an eye-roll that signifies that they are no longer obligated to take the information seriously. "Conspiracy theorist." they will utter.


In the study of conspiracy theory, it doesn't take long to notice that there's an international cabal which is running the imagination of the entire planet. The Vatican-- masters of mind-control, The City of London-- masters of money, and the District of Columbia-- masters of war. 

Never mind the mind-control for now, and let's not worry about money just yet. Both of those things are used to support war, so that is where we'll begin. When people talk about modern war, they inevitably talk about the 'US Military', but when conspiracy theorists talk about the US Military, they often end up talking about UFO's.  Now we are putting on the industrial strength tinfoil, as it would appear that even the three supergangsters mentioned above are ruled by a higher force-- an extraterrestrial force, and perhaps inter-dimensional beings, capable of communicating with humans on Earth, manipulating the mind of humanity. 

Exopolitics and Space Forces

Now exopolitics becomes a term; space wars, moons and Martian bases, anti-gravity and other secret technologies hoarded by military interests, reptilians, the grays, secret treaties with alien races, all eventually leading to the reassembly of the completely fragmented lost history of the planet Earth. 

With tele-portals and stargates leading to Mars and beyond, time-travel technologies and encounters with strange beings, all science and all ancient legends and myths are part of the world of Conspiracy. HAARP, Monarch Programming, crop circles, ancient civilizations from Atlantis to Zeta Reticuli, natural healing with chi or prana, eugenics programs of genocidal proportions, Masonic secrets and Illuminati rulers, all are part of the conspiracy vocabulary.

Few people would entertain such stories as reality, it all sounded so sci-fi, but then to the amazement of the conspiracy theorists, it all started to happen-- the secrets began popping out publicly. Here's a partial list:

<> Many governments have publicly released all of their once-classified UFO files, showing that something is going on 'out there'. 

<> Geo-engineering is now officially admitted to be underway, actually using aerosol dispersants to control rainfall and other weather patterns-- basically chemtrails. 

<> The true owners of the country; banks and the energy pharma industries-- are being blatantly placed in public offices, showing the real chain of command within 'government', to all who have eyes. 

<> The national media is exposed as true propaganda, using omission and disinformation to support the insidious and continuing human sacrifice called war. The original Fake News. 

<> The CIA posts all of it's deepest X-files secrets on it's own website, with things like remote-viewing and other mind tricks being admitted as real.

<> 'Vault 7', a Wikileaks release of details showing government surveillance; cameras in TV's, hacking techniques and remote-control of automobile functions for assassination purposes, etc. 

Conditioned to Ignore It

Even as all of these conspiracy theories are being presented now by various mainstream sources, the world remains apathetic; nobody cares about that stuff, or they've been conditioned to close their minds to such uncomfortable dissonance, choosing to continue their preferred reality. Even stories of pedophilia in high places and human trafficking are so far largely ignored by the group mind.

If complacency is the issue, what would it take to get the attention of a public mind which is sedated to such a degree? 

The Next Level Conspiracies

The Conspiracy Theorists were right, but there remains a sort of Stockholm Syndrome in the victim-- the mind of the public-- and a good portion of that public remains desperate to retain the 'devil that they know' as opposed to listening to the latest tinfoilery about government corruption. As the thing collapses around this deliberately unwary public, what is a Conspiracy Theorist to do with all of these unwanted conspiracy facts now? Talk about races of giants in Antarctica?

Antarctica, one of the largest continents on Earth, not shown. 

Antarctica, Here We Come! 


That's right, John Kerry went to visit Antarctica on Election Day 2016, and astronaut Buzz Aldrin visited recently, suffering a heart attack during his trip. What are they going there for? Ask a conspiracy theorist.

Ancient, advanced technology and ruins, massive pyramid structures and giant humanoid bodies being found under numerous sections of melting ice-- this is some of what the conspiracy world is saying lately. The true history of the planet might be revealed, with the blueprints for free energy and exotic aircraft, even the unimaginable wonders waiting in huge underground cities inhabited by long lost cousins of humanity, all kept secret for many many years. It may sound crazy, but so did all of that other stuff not so long ago.

With the conspiracy theorists being right about everything else, do we dare question the newest tales coming from Antarctica? Secret bases on the moon, on Mars, or anywhere else?

What Have We Learned? 

Hug a conspiracy theorist today, let them know that the world should have listened to them. Let them know that their years of study is appreciated. Ask a conspiracy theorist about secret symbology in corporate logos, ask them about the tinfoil and it's many uses, and ask them about the fluoride in the water supply. Ask them about the Smithsonian's hiding and destroying of hundreds of giant skeletons which had been unearthed from around the globe, and ask them about the moon. Ask why the Disney Programming wants to make soldiers and princesses of us all. Ask all of the right questions, and help make all of those conspiracy theories into facts. We've been right about everything all along, so what's next?


thanks for reading along

images by Pixabay 




What now? Tinfoil hats for everyone that's what!

Ha! Well this post just got the most downvotes I've ever gotten-- maybe I'm wrong about it all!

towardDon't worry, @therealpaul, the downvotes weren't you. They were part of an "experiment" being done here. See @timcliff's latest post about it.

actually, "the experiment" is part of a new conspiracy theory (now where'd I put my fucking tinfoil hat again...?)

Ha! Well, I see all those high-caliber downvotes now as a sign that my post was so great, it threatened the entire Steemosphere with it's reward potential.

Thanks, that helps, I had no idea that was going on-- interesting.

I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground that ‘all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states or to the people.’ To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power, not longer susceptible of any definition. – Thomas Jefferson, Opinion on the Constitutionality of a National Bank, 1791

TJ and those guys must have known that the central banks would take over as soon as they left, but they warned anyone who would listen about it's dangers.

They all knew government was a monster that needed to be bound by law and magic 💀

Now I'm going to think about that all day, I'd never thought about it from that angle before-- interesting

Hehe (hugs) I learned this from my Tibetan teachers when they build monasteries. Religion and government in Tibet was medieval in its nature. They pinned government through ritual to the ground. Didn't always work, but their ruling body knew about energies and seats of power.

This is really interesting to me-- I'm imagining Tibetans using ritual magic to curtail the inherent powers of their government and it's seats, while it looks like the US uses ritual magic to enhance the powers of the seats. I may have it wrong, but thanks for giving my imagination something to busy itself with today!

Very nice article!

Thank you! Glad you checked it out.

Downvoted to counteract whatever I think is not right here.
More info here:

I do appreciate the communication about it.

Wow, this whale experiment is going to just amazingly well....NOT!! You get a dantheman upvote only to be downvoted by a tribe... I had the same, well not the dantheman upvote lol. But sigmajin was kind enough to try and offset it with his bot army :)

hey your Reborn has like 1200 votes! I bet that's my first dantheman vote evr, might be a pity vote, but I'll take it! Oh last night I was finishing this post and went to your page and there was sos' conspiracy satire! I thought I was tripping, I changed the title on mine to make it more different, I think I was going to use 'Officials Announce Conspiracy Theorists Were Right' or something.
Anyway, all these big flags mean that our posts were so good, they threatened the power structure!

We threaten them, I like that! Lol, the horde of votes is @sigmajin's bot army. He wanted to see if the whale experiment would have any kind of impact on the worth of his votes. It was a thoughtful gesture, it's definitely cool to see that kind of number on my post-and it did make me feel better :) Partly just because it was him doing it...Early on when I didn't comprehend anything about how the money/sp/voting etc. worked he broke it down for me, spent some time doing it too, and I experienced something akin to hero worship over it LOL.

Hit me with philosophy, literature, even the Big Picture and I'm a fairly intelligent individual, I grasp such things with relative ease, but anything technical or mathematical-call me Forrest Gump. Therefore I'm unduly impressed with anyone it comes easily to.

A bot army! could be handy for times like these. As to the 'experiment', I do like going around to comments and adding a penny to the comment, not sure how long I can keep getting it to register with 100%, but I just leave it on 100 anymore, all I got, every vote. I'm $00.01paul for my 15 minutes of fame in the comments section.
I got a late start with computers I feel, and my technical abilities are mostly still waiting to be discovered by me accidentally. This flag business is teaching me some things-- I guess we're both still in 'beta'.

My votes on comment were registering a penny for about two hours today, no longer sadly. My voting power is down to 88%, probably because of anyx's trail. Well, also I was a little vote crazy earlier today, I was seeing five to fifteen cent increases on the posts I voted which was definitely cool. I wouldn't mind the experiment if only they would all do it together so there wouldn't be a need for the downvoting.
Haha, I think being in beta is the story of my life ;)

Beta is great! It's the Big Experiment, it's the :taps mic: "Is this thing ON?" and everyone nods "yes it is!" moment of life, the accumulation of all of the data, all for this grand moment when we are able to communicate to the world, here in the comments without getting taxed too badly.

I upvoted. This looks like a great post. I'll read it later. I'm now following you.

Thanks @teamsteem, I appreciate it. It was a tricky one to write, but it's not too long.