Free your words, and the rest will follow

in #writing7 years ago

Last night/morning in chat, I was asked whether I free write or not. I don't know much about writing but this means to sit down and just let it flow without a lot of editing. Many see this is a lesser technique it apparently. Yes, I free write for the most part. Of course, this depends on what I am writing about and how much research or detail is needed.

Most people seem to think free-writing is a lesser grade because it is unplanned and random yet, this in my view is dependent on the experience of the writer and background of the information. I write 3 to 4 posts most days and someone quipped that "even I couldn't write 10 like the TA" but, yeah, I could. Pretty much anyone can although quality is likely to suffer. For me, it is that I still have a business to run.

This is actually why I can free write across so many topics. My thoughts are my own and I do not spin but, this doesn't mean there isn't background to the words, they aren't from thin air. Whereas most people are specialized in their field of studies and often only broaden knowledge through necessity or hobby, my work exposes me to a specialized content several times a day from professionals in their field.

For 15 years now, I travelled from customer to customer across a vast array of business sectors sitting down in courses for hours on end and getting into the nitty gritty of their business and life. We go deep and look at the challenges they face and how to potentially correct them. For me, this means I get a cross-sectioned view of their world, how they currently deal with it and am part of how they could deal with it for better results.

Over the last 15 years, I estimate that I have spoken quite intimately with 4-6000 clients that cover just about every industry you could imagine, from IT and tech-based, to military, government, media, manufacturing, chemical and education. It has been not only very interesting but, it has also allowed me to gather, collate and watch trends form across time and industry. This helps both myself and my clients.

The content I create here is from my head and like everyone else, this means from my experience. I am not a fan of textbook repetition learning, nor of spun content that can be found anywhere. What I like to read is something that speaks from the experience of the person and gives a bit of a look into their lives as I find an honest approach to content more compelling than a well-referenced one. That is just me though and people who enjoy institutional education will likely have a different opinion. I am not one of those people.

One of the great disasters of this world is the decreasing creative thought as people are engineered to think and know what is right without ever having to question its validity. If they did question however, they will find that the gap between what is in the textbooks and the reality of the world can be very different.

I recommend that everyone who doesn't, should free-write and see how creative they actually are.

[ a Steemit original ]


You can tell that you write regularly as your posts are fluent and easy to read. You write like we're having a chat over a coffee - making writing like this look easy (and it's not!).

Easy it isn't but, it is more enjoyable as I feel more connected and less 'school'.

Free write is much easier and less time consuming to create if you are an expert. I don't think everybody can produce contents straightly from their head unless they are much experienced as you. You have a lot of knowledge and experience gathered from your long professional life which inturns help you in freely writing them down. And 4 quality articles a day! Incredible!

And trying to write freely indeed allows us to research the topic we handle further. Anyway, it nurtures creativity and allows us to understand ourselves more deeply.

Not to take away your precious time @tarazkp, the following well constructed answer - of which nature is ironically complete opposite with what I'm answering to - seals the deal about what I think about this article:


increased effect is achieved when imagined coming from a mouth of a person who has just heard a fundamental truth being said about something one has always known but never been able to articulate into human language

:) a few well placed words can have more affect than many scattered.

Hi Taraz. I enjoy reading free writing as it has more meaning to me. The person writing the piece is writing from them self as such. There is more insight from a personal level which gives it more depth and meaning. Your free writing is good value and makes your posts unuique lol. Just had to get it in.

Interesting thought that free-writing is a lesser grade because of its unplanned and random character. I think free-writing is more inspiring just (and only)because it reflects immediate feelings and certain thoughts at the moment.

I think so too @sulimur and i think it is a good way to process thoughts/feelings relatively quickly and thoroughly :)

This is interesting, 4 to 6000k, I don't need to question your source of inspiration at all, picking one or two lessons from those great mind and blog about it, you have lots of things to write per day already. Isn't writing easy like that.

The key to free writing is exposure, either to people, books or event. The more exposed you are to your environment, the more free writer you become, because you will always get ideas on what to write from it.

Thank you for this wise word of yours, I was faced with that question Just yesterday as well. I do write 2 to 3 times on regular day and 4 times at times. Somebody asked me if I planned for my write-ups before I write, the answer is no.

I just think about something and write, it flows naturally out of me too.

I think the reason why most people can't write more than once per day is because they stick to one writing style or writing about a specific filed which becomes boring as time goes on. You end up not knowing what to write if their is nothing to write about that field again

If you can find time to sit, hold your phone a pen in your hand, they you can be a good writer.

I don't know how to explain this to people better than this, because all I do is just to sit for some minutes and think about stuff, then ideas would come.

It is easy to be a writer, I mean a good one, if you can allow it to flow out of you.

Thanks as always...

I love the way you think and about 15 years of experience made you what you are today. Also the most people are looking for personl experiences to read about more than general topics.

One of the great disasters of this world is the decreasing creative thought as people are engineered to think and know what is right without ever having to question its validity

If there is even anything as a good writing, free writing is the best way to begin because it sharpens your writing skills, its like the gateway into so many other forms of writing, like poetry is expression of ones thoughts, so should writing, when that writing creativity has been establish, then one can easily begin to write more specific articles. Free writing also helps to explore different styles of communication because when i free write i imagine my audience in different perspectives. I learnt a lot about free writing in your posts, and im still learning. Thank you

I think for me, it fits my personality of more of a generalist than a specialist. I think for many though, they would find that it has a cathartic quality as it is a conversation with the self, as much as with the audience.

Because you write freely, it is a surprise to discover what your subject will be for your post. That makes people curious and invites people to read your posts.

The end surprises me often enough too :)

I see nothing wrong with free writing. Leave the haters to hate. In my humble opinion, it is far better to read something written by somebody who understands it than to read something prepackaged by someone with only a surface level knowledge. The fact that you free write to me demonstrates that you have gone beyond knowing and into understanding.

I think the knowing and understanding is why I enjoy this form too as it makes me explore a subject as me experiencing it, not as someone who is consuming it.

There is something I say very often, almost to the point of annoying many people: "You are a big deal. There is no other you on this planet. In all of human history there has never been another you, nor will there ever be."

You think the way you do because of the experience that you have, and there is nobody in the world who has lived your exact life and derived the same meanings from every experience you have had. Those experiences have shaped the way you think.

The fact that you free write only means that you are sharing the things that only you can share with the world in the way that only you can share them. I thank you for leaving your mark on the world and in our minds.

To share what only you can share is the greatest gift you can give.

Isn't life more interesting when we explore ourselves and see what is actually inside? Too many focus on what is right without ever investigating the truth of the matter.

I totally agree, the truth is more important than what it right. The truth is something that can be found through exploration of all that eyes cannot see, ears cannot hear and hands cannot touch. First understand the truth, and what is right will come to you. To focus only on what is right will give you something that pushes you away from truth, which will only make you seek more of what is right.

This is first time I'm coming across your articles. I must say this post is very insightful and well written. I like your style, and this is a sure masterpiece. I will start following you and read your post very often.

i have to learn a lot of things for you.
excellent post ..loving to your blog..
Thanks for the information sir.

This looks real interesting and exciting.
Daily Learn some new from your post. Love to read it.

Free-writing comes easier for me. I was a blogger on wordpress for a while and wrote on many topics. Mainly, being from my profession. I was a 911 dispatcher for 12 years. And much, like you, although not the same, every call was different. We had funny calls, we had bad calls, and then the horrible calls that still haunt me to this day. Those are the most memorable. While I plan on blogging about those one of these days, I just have to find my gusto because I get so excited about the funny calls, that I don't want to overwhelm readers with those, then have a mass amount of the bad calls. It's the balance in between! Love reading your posts! Very informative!

Very true mate. My father was a brilliant teacher for 34 years and maintained that nothing teaches better than life experience, some good books, people interaction and to allow your imagination to live.

I enjoy the pieces you come up with so never mind what anyone says. Combine, experience, self study and an ability to put it all together and I think you're doing well. I'm very rusty, but am getting back into the game.

Have a good one.