Letters from an empty trailer
the Valley of Decision
Tao, paused at the top rung of the latter, level with the containers floor. His eyes bugging out looking around in absolute wonder. He had never seen such things, shapes sizes, and colors that were opening to up him. Draino held out his hand to Tao and yanked him up into the container. He just stood in wonder, not moving, erect, eyes flashing about, Draino stuck a peanut butter cracker in his mouth. Draino found the other revolver, and after checking it, seeing it was loaded holstered it. Drew it out fast, six-shooter style and fire a round into the jungle, from the opening. The forest exploded into an angry mass of sounds and sights. Multi colored birds few up and away. Nattie and the others instinctively dropped to their knees. Tao bolted to the back of the container hollering something over and over again and started shivering. The cracker dropped to the floor. Draino holstered his weapon. And held out his hands to Tao and moved slowly to ward him. Softly whispering to him that all was well. “Can’t you hear that?” yelled the tormented captive below him on the deck. “Hear what?” “The generator, it needs adjusting,” replied the man. “Hear the ticking?” continued the oil man. Draino climbed down followed by Tao. “Where, where is the dam thing?” “Its welded onto the back of the container, to keep it high and dry, during the floods.” “It gets that high?” Asked Draino. “This deck can be sitting under three feet of swampy water, usually its just around the top of the deck. You can never be to sure here. It’s a place to at least sit and stretch. “So, you’re stuck in this shithole?” Stated Draino. “How long?”
“Month, maybe two!”
“Why wouldn’t you have a boat and motor here for fuck sake?” Said Draino loosening the mans bonds.
“Cuz someone will steal it, just to get out of this foul place.” Replied the oil man. “It happened, so no more boats. They never made it back to Leachtown, never saw boat or motor again. Only the work crew are allowed to use a boat. Its taken every time they leave.”
“Ya that’s where we’re allowed to go for R&R.” explained the oil man. “No further, it’s the closest town to us. About a day away, well except for me, that is.”
“O ya, whys that?” Said Draino thinking Leachtown could be the place they left his parents?
“I’ve been here going on 10 years now, of a ten-year contract. I’ve squirreled away a bundle. I have this dream of having my own farm. A few years ago, I didn’t show up at the dock after furlough. I’d had enough, so I hired a trucker to take me, on his next trip out. I had three days head start, but in the next mudhole, he kicked me out.
“Why?” snapped Draino.
“Workers, especially good workers are like gold here. They found me passed out drunk in some shanty bar. We had stupid drunk words over something and he took off. Word travels fast here and it didn’t take them long to find me.”
Draino considering letting him free as they walked around the converted shipping container office. The man climbed a flimsy ladder and tinkered around with the generator. Then returned to the ground.
“That’s it? I can’t tell any difference?
“You will, in time. We need to move the solar array.”
“That!” pointed the oil man, over to a long line of solar panels, welded up on poles. Seeing Draino’s puzzled look. That’s why we were cutting up hose, to replace a damaged section? Gas is more precious that gold here. The generator runs on either, gas, solar, or propane.” Explained the oilman. “That goes out, were fucked, period!”
“There’s gas here?” “No, more is coming tomorrow or the next day, it will all depend on the rivers flow. That’s another thing. What are you going to do about that?” As Draino led him back around to the deck. Tao started running around the container, pointing and yelling something, with is mouth jammed with peanut butter.
As they came near the deck they heard the cracking noises of a shortwave radio set, a mans voice, sounding very choppy and breaking. Yelled out to anyone.
“Who in the fuck is that?” Shouted Draino. “One of the lower bosses reporting in!” No worries, they know we are away sometimes and can’t here it?”
“Go see what the fucker wants?” yelled Draino. As the man climbed, Draino warned him about trying anything. “I want outta here even more than you do!” yelled the man. Draino hadn’t time to search the place toughly, so followed close behind him. Followed by Tao. “Read you. This is Ryan, over.” The crackling was bad, their voices were being distorted badly. But still could be made out. “Where’s Shorty, over?” “Out back. over.”
“I’m barred from using this,” Said Ryan. Covertly cupping his mouth. Tao started looking behind the radio for the source of the cracking mans voice.
After a long static pause. “Supply boat broken down. Over. Needs engine part, Over.” “Read you. Over.”
“ETA. Three days, week maybe. Over. River in flood. Over.” “Understood. Over.” After another very long pause, it being so long that Ryan thought the conversation over. “Base, over.” Repeated Ryan.
“Here it comes.” Whispered Ryan, to Draino.
“Your request has been denied, over.”
“Roger, Over.”
“So, all you do is press this lever to speak, and let go to listen?” Said Draino. “ya,” replied the man, being entertained by Tao, carefully checking out the strange talking box. Holding his ear close and listening. The radio made Draino feel even mere isolated.
“Can they hear you, when the lever isn’t down?”
“No.” Said Ryan. “Welcome to the world of Cane. You wear the mark now too.” Smirked Draino.
“What mark, asked Ryan?
“The mark of cane. You ever read the Bible. Its all I’ve got to read these days,” protested Draino. “Ya, had to in church school. Hated that shit!” ‘Red gives the mark when he no longer trusts or needs you. They’re never going to let you leave here. You’re just a slave to them now. Oh, they’ll keep hanging carrots out in front of you, but your freedom will never materialize.” “Thought as much. This has been the third time asking for a transfer. I used to catch Shorty laughing at me now and again. Now I know why?” Looks like we’re in the same boat! Don’t think I need to tie you up. Do I?” Said Draino. “We either work together and get outta here or die.” Draino held out his hand, deal?” Ryan didn’t have to think very hard. “Deal.” He snapped back. “How many usually come, with the supply boat?” asked Draino.
“Usually 5 or 6, but in flood season, only a well-paid Skelton crew comes up. Usually two?” replied Ryan. But I suspect there will be only one to switch with Shorty”? Since they got me here free. How we going to explain Shorty?” Asked Ryan.
“Good, even better, we can handle that!” Said a happy Draino. “Don’t worry about Shorty, I’ll figure something out.” Then it hit Draino as he turned. ‘Why go through all the trouble to trying to get to Red, why not just bring him here?’ He needed to think. After a tour of the container, they found another gun and holster, a long with a hunting rifle with scope. Tons of ammo for all weapons. Draino thought hard for a moment, then unbuckled his holster and handed it to Ryan. “Sleep in it, never take it off!” ordered Draino. And he dawned Shortie’s holster after inspected his weapon. ‘Shorty kept it clean and well oiled.’ Thought Draino
Walking to the other end of the container, Draino pointed and asked what the huge steel closet door lead too?”
“Open it! The key is hanging over there,” pointed Ryan. Draino opened it and stood in cold wonder. He was standing in front of a huge walk in freezer. Fill to the brim with food. Tao walked in hot footing it on the frosty floor and held a hunk of Ice in his hand. that he’d never seen or felt before. It was glorious to them all. Three days past, and Draino knew everything there was to now about the sight and container. He was feeling sick, from all the rich food and alcohol, he’d been stuffing himself with. Tao tasted bits of things but never ate. Especially the frozen meat. Draino tried fooling him once, and thawed out a steak, without Tao knowing. After letting Tao see the fresh-looking steak go on the grill and smelling the heavenly smells. He offered it to Tao. He nibbled on it but refused to eat anymore of it. Nattie disappeared with his makeshift family, probably back to his clearing? On the morning of the forth day, while watching for the supply boat. Tao approached him. “River come, said Tao, I go now.”
“What, no?” “I go with Natty now.” Then ran off into the jungle before Draino could even react. He followed him into the bush a hundred yards, but the boy had simply disappeared. It was as quick as that! Draino felt a part of him leave and began to mourn. A deep part of him missed the child. Then some part of him, some emotional filter closed, like a door. He felt nothing, only a nagging numbness. And walked back to his hiding place until Ryan came to relive him. “Where’s the boy, he asked?” “What boy?” Ryan looked around confused, the boy had even grown on him. “Did he run off?” Asked Ryan? “Ya, back to his own!” “Probably for the good.” Answered Ryan, looking sadly at the solid jungle wall. A burst of green and yellow parrots exploded out, flying up river. They both were amazed by the sight. “Greed!” Muttered Draino. “I have a plan I wanted to run by you later. What would be the most desirable thing the owners and investors could possibly get from this project? Something that might even draw Red out here?” He asked. “Think about it, let me know a dusk?” “That’s easy, unlimited oil, gold, or diamonds? Take your pick. More likely unlimited gold. “Ryan answered. “What about some rare plant, or drug, like something that could heal Cancer, say?” asked Draino. “Probably, they make billions on pharmaceuticals, don’t they? Wow, now that I think about it, ya. I think you maybe on to something?” replied Ryan. “So, let’s say we somehow convince the bigshots of Reds company that we’ve discovered this miracle plant? But we make it a condition that only Red can make the deal?” “What deal?” Asked Ryan. “A deal between a fictional tribe of natives, and Red!” stated Draino. That’s how I survived, they gave me something that eased my pain and healed me faster. I’m not saying they can cure cancer but they know shit we don’t.” “What’s in it for the natives?” asked Ryan “Red has to pack up his company and leave.”
Dan Ger