Now back to today, I was awful, my demon was much more prepared for today’s battle. I leaned on my past victory that was where he got me –my relaxed state. Truth is, I wasn’t prepared, I didn’t drink of the cup, I didn’t eat of the bread. The only thing I remembered doing was doing nothing. After yesterday’s victory, I was busy celebrating while my demon went back to his camp and began to strategize a new plan of attack. A fresh plan, we call it fresh oil. I didn’t get mine.
As I write now, I am under his rulership, he is my master now, and I’m in chains now, his chains! What can I do now? I can’t fight him on my own; my hands are chained. Besides my weapons of war are in his armory. I can hear depression consoling me, self-pity advising me, confusion patting my back. What can I do? What?!😢😢
I’ll return to my first love, I’ll call on my master, not my demon, my real master, I’ll admit my wrongs, repent of them and I know, faster than the speed of light, He will come to my rescue. I told you! He’s here now😅😅, He has come to my rescue, and He has restored my joy, my strength, power, weapons of war and has planted my feet on solid ground. He has broken the chains off my hands. I’m free!. My demon? He’s so scared; he’s running at the same velocity of a fleeing antelope. Come to think of it, he does look like an antelope with the character of a goat; he will always come back for the prize.
Everyone on earth has a demon, a personal demon. I have mine, you have yours. The demon comes mostly in form of habits. Some people theirs make be fear or lust or lies or disobedience or stubbornness, etc. A man’s demon is not always visible to him. Your demon is that habit you fight/struggle with daily. It’s that particular habit you battle with over and over again. These habits are to be treated as demons.
Most people have not yet discovered their demons. These demons, like parasites, suck out the life in these ones, leaving them empty. These demons are in sheep’s clothing, they appear harmless, appealing, beautiful and even enjoyable. This is what the devil wants us to believe. The bad news is that most people have fallen victims of this lie. Not all that glitters is gold!