A mentor is a person or a step which we can emulate from he or she character as the 4 runner of victory or success
The way to be successful in life is the way of mentorship
Because in any form work you are doing some one is there ahead you
Mentorship is also the fastest way to be succeed in any filed you belong to
Mentors are the people you see ahead of you doing thing you about to do or doing....
Without mentorship there will be no one you will look as your motivator
Once you have a mentor Whatever your mentor make a new step you will be more interesting to do that also from there you also will be "ment" by some one
Don't forget evey coach in a coach you are a guy but you can't shoot your self without a force of some one which is your mentor
So wise up and find your mentor
(This are the gain from mentoring some)
4; success
I Sparkman my best mentor is