Escape into the realm of Pelmythia, a world filled with magic and wonder, where both the forces of good and evil are aware of a prophecy that could upset the very balance of the planet.
In the northern country of Raven Caw, a powerful evil mage has set plans into motion to capture the prophesied princess on the day of her birth. As the agents of darkness descend upon the western kingdom of Ivory Glen, an unforeseen quartet of elves from the forest kingdom of Everdark arrive to grant their blessings to the queen and the coming child.
As darkness swirls about the newborn princess to consume her, the servants of the light will do anything to protect her, even at the cost of their very lives..
Be sure to order the book on
And here is a link to his shop so you can stock up on sweet sweet swag.
Let's show him some love. He would not be where he is today if it was not for
it you ever come back... hit me up with a link
Family member been super sick, I am trying to creep back in, looks like everything has changed so much. Been trying to stream a little to. thanks for checking in on me. You been one of my biggest supporters!