Hello :) back again with me Salsabila Robert ..if you didnt know me, you can chek my Profile POST at this link >> https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@sabila-robert/hello-my-name-is-salsabila-robert-i-am-an-cosplayer-and-gamers-d
okay :) today i will share some problem/issues when Girl Wants To Be Gamers, this problem often found in around of Game ...especialy Online Game with genre war,shooting,dll (man games) , its will begin when girl player chat with other player (man player) and says that i am a girl ...man player allways start laughing when he saw that chat -,- ...WHAT`s WRONG WITH GIRLS WHEN PLAY MAN GAMEs -,- ...80% they will think if i am an MAN who masquerade be a GIRL -,- .... i will give you an example , this is taken by my experience when play a online games :3 ...this is the story
I play Dragonest game that time, Dragonest is free,fastest action MMORPG and i use female character. i joint the group with man player domination :3 ...there is an chat conversations in there ..this is the dialog
Me : hi all,what will we do now?
Man player : we will introduce ourselves to each other
Me: okay me first :) ...my real name is sabila
Man player: are you a gril?
Me: yeah :) i am a girl
Man player : hahahaha come on ...dont look for attention ...just be honest :)
Me: -,- you did't believe me right?
Man player : do you know that many player are masquerade be a girl to find an attention,find a easy help ?
Me : but i says the truth -,-
Man player : what`s the proof?
After that i send him my Facebook link and i send him my picture with this paper text ...danjo is my character name in game :3
and he directly belive to me if i am a girl -,- ....and after that my Facebook fulfulled by request friend,chat,dll which that dominated with man player -,- ....oh god ,must i use that proof to make man player believe if i am an girl -,- ,when the man player will believe with just a chat?
okay that`s the example :3 ...form many experience , i was called a liar,noobs,attetion finder but there is no effect to me to continouse to be Gamers Girl ....i still love games,because that make me relax,fun,got many friend :) ....and i make that problem be my spirit of life :3 ..
In fact there is some successfull girl gamers in the wolrd :) like
1.Donna Visca
2.Linda Liao
3.Tammy Tang
4.Kimberly Weigend
And many other girl gamers in the world :)..their job is just plays game,promote and be paid :)
Thank you for watching :)
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i dont understand what are you say :3
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okay :3
nice one
thanks :)
hello too :)