Independent But not Free...

in #writing7 years ago


Independence is nothing but the state of unhindered, non negotiable, undebatable freedom.

The greatest error that can occur to a person, organization, or even a Nation, is to be independent but far from freedom.

Nigeria was 57 last year October, as an independent, sovereign state, it is very correct that we are independent, but I leave a question with Nigeria/ Nigerians, how free are we?

People will attempt to sound politically correct, to be religiously nice, but truth be told, a man at 57 who can not still tell himself simple, basic truths, will die a fool.

Christians/ Muslims leaders, political office holders, should go beyond carnal and politically correct sermonising today to teaching people the fact that those of us helping to destroy this country through corruption and other anti people and anti development vices will face divine consequences.

It's not time to sweet talk, remember we are 57 not 7, we are 57 not 17, we are 57 not 27, we are 57 not 37, we are 57 not 47. We can not be sweet talking at 57.
We are 57 and we deserve to be responsible.

Politically, religiously, educationally, economically, administratively, morally are we free indeed?

Like the good book rightly postulates, in John the 8th chapter, the 36th verse; "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall
be free indeed."

I ask the Nigerian state today, how free are we?

Are we only free to steal from ourselves, to kill ourselves, to abuse, molest, victimise, oppress, segregate, abandon, hate ourselves?

Oh Nigeria! How free art thou?

Who are those still holding thee in grave colonization?

I am asking them today in all sincerity, can you allow us to be free indeed?
