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RE: How Shadow People Taught Me About Creativity

in #writing7 years ago

In my own experience, dreams are dreams. I don't actually go deeper on understanding them. I recall some part of my dreams and that's all, then do the daily routine of life. I don't interpret dreams. I guess every person has his/her own experience.

But I got some points on your post that we have to fight the negatives in our lives, just like the demons in dreams.
Demons are real, not only on dreams. As long as we're still live, the spiritual battle continues.


I don't think dreams always have some symbolic meaning. There are several dream theories but the one that makes the most sense to me is that our brains are still active, and create stories without direct input from real stimuli. Which would also explain why sensory deprivation tanks work the way they do.

Still, I think we can take important information from all portions of our lives - dreams included, if we look for it.

Great insight Chrisitian!
I did also dreamed years ago that I could walk in the air. When I started to walk fast I eventually floated in the air while walking. I was thinking after the dream, maybe it would happen when my spirit/soul separates from my body when I die lol

Anyways, its been 6 days since I commented. I guess you're some kinda busy the past days.