Abduction by unknown entity.
When I was 17, I had yet another experience that shook my understanding of reality. To this day I remember this experience vividly, it was so unusual, and shocking that it is now burned into my memory. What follows is 100% true, and I am not exaggerating anything, simply telling what happened.
I had decided at around age 12 that I wanted my own room, and even though it was a bit scary to me, I wanted to move into the attic. The first hurdle was getting permission, and I did. Next thing I had to do was move a lot of things around upstairs. I had went up the stairs into the attic before, and found out that over the years, my Father had stored all the excess things that my Mother refused to throw away in the attic. Out of sight, out of mind I guess. The bulk of the things in the attic had been placed into one of the two rooms in the attic. The room was basically almost completely full of a variety of random items. TV stands, chairs, magazines, toys, you name it. There was basically a small mound of random things piled into the center of the room, and a small area around it was clear, allowing a walk way around the pile of junk.
I had to add some more to the junk pile, while cleaning the attic up, and moving into it. I moved into the room across the hall from the junk room. One night I had walked home from town, and made sure to talk to everyone, and tell them goodnight. I went upstairs to my room, and got ready for bed. I didn't have a night light, and I slept with all the lights out in the attic, and only the dim light from my clock radio provided some light in my room. I clearly remember going to bed in a T-shirt, briefs, and socks, it was hot in the attic, and it was summer when this happened. I went to sleep, and have no memory of any dreams. What happened next was right out of a Twilight Zone Episode!
I suddenly woke up, and was fully awake. Instantly I felt multiple pains all over my body, in dozens of different places. I was laying on my back, and at this point I started to try to feel my surroundings, I was in total confusion, and began to panic. It felt as though I was laying on top of something with a lot of pointy edges, and I decided to roll over, and try to get off whatever this was. The pain was pretty intense in some places, and I rolled off of whatever I was on, and seemed to have landed on a floor. The room was pitch black, and I couldn't see anything. After I got my head together, I decided to feel crossed the floor in the opposite direction of where I was. Like a blind man, I crawled until I found what had to be a wall. I started to feel for a light switch. After a lot of searching the wall for a switch, I finally find one.

I turned on the light and it actually took a few seconds for me to process it all. I remember standing there, and my mind was telling me it didn't recognize my surroundings, but at the same time I was having Deja-Vu. I finally came to my senses, and realized I was in the junk room, and that means, I had woke up laying on my back, on top of the junk pile. The next thing I realized was that I now had on, a long sleeve shirt, and jeans, and shoes. However the shirt was not fully buttoned up, and it was buttoned up crooked. Next crazy thing was that my jeans were on backwards, and my shoes were on the wrong feet. I took a while for me to calm down and process this.
Somehow, I had went to bed in the other room, and ended up here in the opposite room, and whatever dressed me, had no idea how to properly dress a person, and placed me on top of a pile of junk, and had to know it would be painful, and distressful, and shocking when I woke. The whole thing was beyond disturbing to me. Something could take me, and do who knows what with me, and then return me, and I have no memory of anything that happened? I immediately thought of all the UFO abduction cases I had heard about. There is a battle that rages in your mind, when faced with information you cannot refute, but points to things you do not want to think about. I had physical bruising and cuts from the junk pile, but no other obvious damage. It didn't appear to me that whatever did this to me, did anything else to me that I could see anyway.
At this time, telling people about these experiences was something that was considered taboo. Talking about these things at that time would get you labeled crazy. I didn't tell anyone about it at all. It took a long time for me to get comfortable going to bed anywhere. I eventually came to grips with it, and could sleep again. Nothing happened for a long time. I did have another experience like this, but I will leave that for another story. I have only had two abduction type experiences, and have seen hundreds of UFO's, witnessed paranormal phenomenon, and more. I have lots of 100% true stories of the incredible things that have happened in my life, here on this blog. please click older post at the bottom, and check out all my other stories. I hope to document all the things I can remember from my life that is out of the ordinary. I have not found yet anyone online, or on radio shows, or in books, and movies that has had the amount of experiences I have.
I would take a lie detector test, or any other test to prove the truth of what I am revealing in my blogs. Unless I expressly say "This is a work of fiction" in the post heading, then it is 100% true. I have no idea what is causing the "Abduction Experience" but I do know it is happening.