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RE: Method or Madness? Thoughts From A Steemit Fiction Curator

in #writing7 years ago

I actually think we're still building the "Steemit audience." I don't think we're there yet, with people who read just to read. Some do, yes. Absolutely. But so many others are spamming and botting and shitposting their way into payouts--I think this is a problem that will ultimately have to run itself dry before posts get recognized based on quality alone.

I do share your frustration. So do many others. One thing we're doing to try and make a positive impact on Steemit is build communities, like PALnet at MSP Discord, where our Fiction Workshop lives. It isn't "just" about improving the quality of our writing, but about networking and building relationships. A prominent whale in this community said not too long ago, "the quickest way to become a whale is to help 100 minnows become dolphins." In keeping with that theory, we're working hard to build a community that appreciates good fiction and rewards well for it.