It would appear that, as with your good self, we both follow the first rule of steemit...
I also use the words basically and actually more than 'sociology'. I think I might start 'gaming' my posts a little in the future to boost that word.
It actually (!) makes you think a little about your writing style too.
Definitely a nice word cloud in my opinion. Similar to mine but still different. That's the way to go! ;)
It does actually serve as quite a nice reflective tool too. Doesn't include comments though I don't think - I copied and pasted the word sociology about 30 times into a comment on one of my other posts... no effect on the word cloud. I need to reduce the numbers of 'b@asicallys' too.
I love wordles in general... if you like to use them more broadly, this is the best one I've found - it has quite good functionality for free - you can specify the sizes of words, do different shapes, select single or repeat words. I've tried a few of them, this is the best (doesn't top google rankings but it is!)