Getting back into it?

in #writing8 months ago (edited)


It's been... how long? A year since I wrote anything at all? And before starting again, I took a break of another year? So, around two years since I properly got into writing. That's a long time.

But why? Why did I quit in the first place? I used to really like writing. It all just... stopped being fun one day. All of it. I guess I can't really blame writing itself - that's the fun part. I can, however, blame editing. I can blame the hours I spent reading and rereading what I wrote, hoping to catch all the mistakes. I can also blame trying to stay relevant in an attempt to get some attention. I can blame burnout - writing so much for so long made me unable to think of anything new to write about. Every topic I approached felt like a regurgitated idea I picked again just to post something.

Not that things are much better now. Although I can say that I've perhaps... matured in some of the ideas I used to have. I hold different views on work and productivity. I no longer look at life with the same optimism, thinking everything can be solved if you just care or try hard enough.

Time management is no longer my main priority, nor the only thing I can talk about when trying to convince someone to be more productive. Knowledge... that's another topic I've been obsessed with for a very long time but no longer feel is something I identify with. Sure, I still love to learn but... hell, it just doesn't feel like I should mention it every five minutes to look interesting to someone else.

I could say that I grew a bit in the last year, although it doesn't necessarily feel like it. I still make the same mistakes, have the same objectives sometimes, and waste time in the same old ways. And yet, some of my views have drastically changed. I no longer feel the need to have a huge impact on everything around me. Working more than everybody else seems, nowadays, to have been a mistake at my current job.

I could keep going. But maybe I shouldn't. Maybe I'll write more about some of these changes in other articles. That would, perhaps, make things a bit more interesting. I will, maybe in my next post, tell you why I decided to give writing another chance. And it might be a controversial reason for some people who feel strongly about certain things. But that's something I'll talk about another time.

For now... let's just see how this goes.