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RE: Weekend free write with @mariannewest.

in #writing6 years ago


As usual, nice write Marg.

There's an interesting insight to ponder in your missive:

Is "pathological positivity" (metaphorically your 'Motivational Mondays') any less psychologically damaging than "pathological pessimism?"

Negative emotions are every bit as important as positive ones and they are the pain signals that signify that change is required ... and the fuel that motivates us to find the resolve required to achieve it. And yet, much of modern-day pop psychology seems enamored with the "power of positivity" ... even when such positivity is clearly not warranted.

An unrelentingly wallowing in woohoo.

This sentiment is readily apparent on Steemit and prevents us from addressing obvious systemic problems that are likely fatal flaws for the blockchain. Active users dropping by 10,000 per day ... woohoo. Bidbots diminishing 25-30% of the Reward Pool ... thereby castrating the idea of compensation for quality content while crippling the critical dynamics of curation ... woohoo. STEEM's market cap dropping from the 20th to 40th amongst cryptocurrencies in a matter of months ... woohoo.

Incessant woohooing prevents people for acknowledging their problems and having the hard conversations about how to rectify them. Is this not the same as drinking or drug abuse when used for the same purpose?

Lots of things in life actually suck and trying to put a positive spin on them is not healthy. Simply, you can't Gild the Lilly or put Lipstick on a Pig. Your condition, for example, is inconducive to celebration. It is a thing to be cursed and actively hated ... not trivialized with philosophical musings.

"Love, Not Hate," as an ideological mantra, ignores the fact that lots of things should, indeed ... be hated. Sometimes fury is required ... because fury gives you the strength to fight.

Of course, anything taken to extremes becomes a negative. Aristotle reminded us that Virtue is to be found between two extremes of Vice. A great deal of happiness and fulfillment, I suspect, is little more than learning to find the balance between the two outliers.

It's OK to be angry, just don't let it become the only thing you're capable of feeling. When tickled, you still need to laugh. Laughing is important too. We're capable of doing both.
