Wanted - Your thoughts, ideas, and musings

in #writing7 years ago

I Want You To Give Me Your Ideas


Lately, I've been thinking a lot about the content I post on Steemit. Okay fine, I always think a lot about the content I post on Steemit; however, more recently, my thoughts have been devoted to my posts about writing.

I've got several topics in mind for the future that I hope will be both helpful and encouraging to many of you in your own journeys as writers, but I also want your feedback. What are some topics you would like to see covered on Steemit? This could also extend to topics more literary in nature (I love literature!). If you have any ideas for me, I'd love to hear them.

I don't want to box myself in and will continue to write a variety of posts, but I definitely want to post about writing and/or literature at least once a week. Hit me up with your thoughts, ideas, and musings. :-)


Here are a couple of my earlier posts about writing.

https://steemit.com/writing/@queenvick/some-thoughts-tips-on-writing https://steemit.com/writing/@queenvick/writing-why-grammar-and-punctuation-are-important


Maybe you could write about the Lord of the Rings/Hobbit movies vs. the books.

I don't know if Steemit is ready for my LOTR ramblings. ;-)

I second that nomination.

Hi queenvick
I would love you to do some about, moving past fears to grow your own business (how to not be worried about what people think of you trying to grow your own business)
I write inspirational and educational, or thought provoking :) PS I am following you

Hi chriszuidam! Thanks for the follow. I don't know how helpful I can be with advice in general about a business, but I can definitely provide encouragement. I guess a part of Steemit is stepping out there and facing your fears. Definitely some ideas to think about. Thanks for your feedback!


I think that anything that is a passion of yours, or expertise in a certain area, or just your thoughts on how to build community, whether on steemit, or in our own neighborhoods.

If you are married, have children, share the challenges you face in both areas, and tools or mindsets that have help you overcome those challenges.

Thank you. Good thoughts. There are definitely a number of things outside of writing that I can post about.

How about providing some information about the kind of writings that asked a lot nowadays and where to send your writing?

Or you can write some tips about How to make a living through writing.

Hi @betterperson! Thanks for your feedback. I'll certainly keep this in mind.