Life is in stages, and we can do absolutely nothing about it. For most of us...
We are born into the world very innocent, not knowing right from wrong, being totally dependent on others for our livelihood. We are babies.
Then we begin to learn languages, names of things around us and what is right and wrong. Still we just want to play, being totally inquisitive about anthing and everything we see, not thinking of the consequences of whatever actions we take. Kids.
Now we're growing bigger physically, we don't want to be told what to do, we feel we're "old" enough to choose our actions, we grow stubborn and make a lot of mistakes. We learn about sex and money, we start thinking of a career path and we just want to explore everything. We are teens.
Then we begin to see life differently, now were forced to do what we used to fight for; make our own choices. We pick careers and try to become self sufficient, we want to settle down and build our own families.We are young adults.
Now we're "settled", we're totally responsible for both our lives and the lives of one or more dependent people, it is tough but we push through it. We become more careful about about our health, our bodies begin to get weaker. The reality of being old hits us, we retire from work and lead quiet lives. We are adults.
Then the time comes when we're becoming dependent again, like babies (The Irony), but this time experience has taught us right from wrong. We cannot do most of the things we want to do, it becomes a little depressing, but we're consoled by what we have achieved and the generations that have come forth from us. We are old.
Then we die and and the story starts again with someone else.
Make the best of every moment and stage of your life. Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
Thanks for reading this post, kindly share your thoughts.
I know right, thanks
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wonderful! This really explains the irony of life
Awesome! I m resteeming 😉
Wow, thanks a lot
good post bro, keep steeming.
Thanks brother
Life is a series of choices ;-)
@originalworks @steem–untalented
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