What is common between Christ, judging, faults and excuses?…

in #writing8 years ago

What is common between Christ, judging, faults and excuses?…#

A short story about Jeshua Ben Joseph [aka. Jesus the Christ…]:
When Christ said: “He who is without error should cast the first stone, no one could respond. He who is without flaw, let him cast the first stone. Let him stop and think that he is throwing a stone at a child of God.”

You can imagine that judgment of Yours as a stone… that condemnation of yours toward other is even bigger boulder… That faults and excuses are just another rock that you tossing toward others and self…

So, people do not entirely understand when tossing around stones, boulders and rocks all day long… and even continue during night, not able to sleep simply because all these rocks are falling on Your head and waking you up… All these stones are making bruises and cuts on your energy body…

People do not fully understand that tossing rocks all day long require lot of energy wasted, where this energy start affecting physical body of the thrower… Simple analogy is that all these rocks land on your head as soon you toss it toward others…

Simply Understand rather than judge... Accept rather than blame... This is not making excuses. You simply don't know what's going on... You don't know the whole story... In every case of judgment, you forsake another, and you are mistaken... When you are in error, would it serve you or anyone to start throwing stones at you?...
Cast not a first stone because casting stones is opposite to loving... Casting stones is shire madness... Instead, cast away your judgment and its cousin anger... Is there anger without judgment? Can there be anger without judgment?.. Anger and judgment condemn...

There is no need for you to stand above another... If you must stand above, then stand above your lower self that seeks to depose another... Yes, beloveds, stand above yourself... All these judgmental stones, rocks and boulders are landing on your own head... Literally and metaphorically...

Judgment is not fair-minded... When was it ever?... Judgment is overbearing... It is isolating... It is sacrificing another for your own comfort... Do you crave a pecking order?.. How about no pecking order... Join something else....
Christ's question was: “Who are you to judge? Who are you to set yourself above another?...“
Better you lift another in your arms... Uplift another... If you must condemn, condemn your judgment, for your judgment does harm to the one you judge, and it does harm to you... You realize how simple is self healing, when you take responsability to stop trowing rocks...

Neither Christ nor Buddha nor Mohammed nor Moses ever said: "Judge one another." Definitely not...
Their message was to Love one another...

Judging is smallness, beloveds...
Loving is Vastness...

It takes a big heart to love under all circumstances...
Not judging is a good way to rise to love...
As a balloon rises, so will your heart of love... It is not possible to love and judge at the same time...
If you must judge, judge everyone as worthy of being loved...

And, please I beg of You: STOP TROWING STONES!...


For sure. But many hide behind this philosophy to justify some of their disobedient ways. Also, do you think the spiritually mature should make judgements about various things in life according to 1 Cor. 2:5 which says "But he who is spiritual judges all things"?