These are books which have been life changer in many people live throughout the universe.These books is a must read which will help transform your lives totally. These are the books;
- The 9 steps to financial freedom
- The Richest man 8 Babylon
- The seven habits of highly effective people
- Way of a peaceful warrior
- The law of success in sixteen lessons
- Acres of diamonds
- As a man thinketh
- Maximum Achievement
- Think and Grow Rich
- How to win friends and influence people
- The season of life
- See you at the Top
- The magic of thinking big
- The power of positive thinking
- Awaken the Giant within
- Developing the leader within you
- The one minute manager
- Good to Great
- The Automatic Millionaire
- Rich Dad Poor Dad
- The greatest salesman in the world
- The sales bible
- Who moved my cheese
- Chicken soup for soup series
- Success through the positive mental mind.
So my good steemians these are great books of all time, and recommend it for the young and old. These are spirit filled books which move one to next level 8 life in a positive direction. I will endeavor every one here to read these books. I know u will thank me later.
Thanks to all who have been upvoting.