I haven't come across your blog before, I found this one due to @naturalmedicine reblogging it. :)
I've been struggling too. It's not quarantine-specific though; I've been dealing with some mental health and other health struggles for some time now. I dipped lower than usual several months ago and have yet to climb back up a peg.
I am stressed about my living situation - my area is heavily gentrified and my building has been slowly renovating apartments so they can charge hundreds more, and I've been getting on-and-off "you'll be able to stay as long as you want" and "you're going to be forced out so we can renovate them all" mixed messages for some time, but as it stands now I have until the end of October and then I have to have several hundred dollars more a month. I already struggle to feed myself. So I don't know what's going to happen. It's harder to work on a solution when I can't work regular jobs due to health issues, and I don't even have the energy to get out of bed most days. Even if I find someplace I can afford, the actual physical act of moving is beyond my ability right now. So it's a worry. I try to stay positive, but it isn't easy.
They predict millions will become homeless in the US due to corona job losses, so maybe the market will crash and I'll actually be able to afford an apartment again. I hope that's true for everyone, because it's ridiculous right now.
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