I checked the interview out for your feature and mentioned it, we will be going through the cycle of finder frog again next up is poetry etc, as we get the hang of this in between working full time we will be fortunate enough to have many good creators to look out for when it comes to curation posts.
For now we just hope people do get some exposure and have a few bigger people see you until we can ramp it up to a point where we are comfortable to gain bigger delegations and help people a lot more through those.
I am adding a feature list where we can come around power permitting and still give a few cents or more as power grows to those we have featured before, including the fact that we do need to get the @resteemriver account running more smoothly .
Guess what I am saying is please don't post more in the hopes of gaining support I have seen people do that with curie votes and it boggles the mind to think they rely on that, obviously you know what you are doing on steem and post because you enjoy it. So this might be more a warning to others that they should not be to reliant on the many initiatives so to speak, see it as bonus, your true rewards come from those you interact with. I will be sure to follow along and as we grow our efforts we will keep rewarding the people who we discovered along the way.
:) Sorry got a bit winded there.
Glad to hear! :D
Ohhhh, poetry. That I cannot do unless the stars align perfectly and I drink more of the magic potion as usual, or brew it extra strong.
I am so very happy (and excited) to see all your work on this project and am looking forward to what becomes of it :D
And yeah, I agree wholeheartedly with what you've written here.
The true value of this blockchain lies not in the curie votes or the size of the upvotes, but the interaction with and amongst people. The more we interact, and the more there is of us, the more value there is in the blockchain -> the more we all profit (both financially and every way else). ^^Yeah, I know. I try to be consistent with my posts, but I won't sacrifice quality for the sake of posting. That's why I'm keeping this account's posts to ~1-2 per week and (hopefully) daily posts on the @svashta account.
No problem at all! ;D