They pray for the night to come
They love darkness
They love singing
Their size is insignificant compare to their prey,
Their prey has every advantage over them killing them in almost all the physical battle they have ever encountered. But they never gave up on the war against them
They have sworn to keep battling this prey because their continuity wholly depends on them, for them is suck or die trying they don’t give up
Their instinct is their greatest weapon against their well advanced opponent, that has hundreds of ways it can kill them
Their enemies kill in millions so do they despite their weaknesses
They sing to the ears of their prey to confirm their fearlessness
What a fearless female blood hunters
They see their sisters get crushed but it doesn’t stop them from hunting for blood
Inject and suck they sing to each other
The tropic is ours
Their blood is ours
The war has just begun
We are the mosquitoes