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RE: Greed And Selfishness Took The Place Of Common Sense & Encouragement.

in #writing7 years ago

I man with you brother, i have seen this act of despiracy and i feel so sad when all people want is to get on the trending page with $thousands as payout without even thinking about the rest of the community...Bid Bots is Doomsday if not checked pretty soon!


They not only reach the trending pages due to the votes they buy. They also reap tons of rewards due to the fact that they are trending. They get more exposure, gain more followers and get more upvotes for being on trending... So one thing you could do, is to not make articles with paid votes eligible the trending page.

But I guess that's pretty hard to implement.

However, such thing would at least reduce the benefits of being on the trending page.

That is a great idea if you ask me, paid votes should be disallowed from Trending page...Hopefully, someone up there see this or some witness at least.

Yeah, I don't even know it that is possible, but it would definitely help to reduce some of the benefits from the bid bots.