Sophia was born on June 13, 2010 in a family of very scarce resources, Christian father and mother, honest workers and both with fabulous talents. His father knows how to play the drums and he belongs to the praise and worship group of his church, just like him, Sophia's mother also has great talent but she, in singing.
It was to be expected that the new member of the family would also inherit a great talent, reason for which from their first months of life they tried to involve her in the musical field in her church.
But unfortunately at 8 months of age the parents of sophia realized that she could not see, that she had been born without a sight, but so much was the faith of her parents that her little girl Sophia would also develop a talent to adore God that the 5 years even with their limitation they enrolled in music lessons and to everyone's surprise Sophia developed a unique and special talent with the flute.
2 years later Sophia is the best in her class demonstrating that when we have Faith in ourselves there are no limitations.