(Original story by @nameislv)

It happened five or six years ago. I lived in the capital all alone and met with my family and some of my old friends approximately twice a year for different holidays. That time was going to be the same. Family get-togethers and the stuff like that. I couldn’t say I was looking forward to it so much.
It was winter time and soon in two days all people all over the world would celebrate Christmas Eve.
I was standing at the railway station with a ticket in my hand that I had already bought at the ticket office and I was only waiting for my train to come. Finally it arrived, but 5 minute late.
I looked around and understood that this time the train wouldn’t be overcrowded. I could see people nearby and the usual holiday cheer written on their faces. I got sad because I didn’t share the feeling, I didn’t succeed much that year and uneasiness settled in my stomach.
Then I saw a man on the platform with a little suitcase in his right hand. I don’t remember now what exactly drew my attention but something seemed to be odd. Maybe it was his cold eyes and a look tough like a stone. I noticed that he wasn’t happy as the others were. But as soon as the train arrived I threw this thought far away.
I found my compartment and noted with a pleasure that it was comfortable enough to spend a night. I put my bag on the lower bed and tried if it was soft.
There wasn’t anyone else in this compartment and I could relax. I hoped nobody would be my neighbor. But soon enough I was disappointed when someone opened the sliding door.
The man I had seen on the station appeared in the doorway. He threw a look onto my side and I turned into ice under the pressure of his cold eyes. I was paralyzed, I couldn’t make a move and I hardly nodded when he asked me if I don’t mind him to walk in.
I had a day and a night traveling. That day I read a book, went to the restaurant ant got back to the reading again. It’s necessary to add a few words about the book I was reading. It was about a werewolf.
My neighbor was silent all day. I didn’t try to talk to him. I realized it would be useless from the first moment I saw him and anyway I wasn’t in the mood too.

It was deep evening and the moon was about to go up. I felt cold and covered myself with a blanket all the way down to my feet. I was surprised to find my neighbor being nervous. He looked at the window every minute but I doubted he enjoyed the view of the majestic mountains outside especially when they were not seen in the darkness.
When I got tired I fell asleep. Later something woke me up and when I opened my eyes I saw a whole moon elevating in the night sky outside the window. In the dim light I saw that my neighbor was absent on the place he was supposed to be sleeping. He never came within next two hours.

I got up and examined his bed. I found something on his blanket. It was a flock of fur.
I grew pale. I felt my blood stopped its circulating. I could swear that moment I heard wolf’s howling.
I had to do something and I informed the conductor that a person was missing for two or three hours.
In the morning when I woke up I found my neighbor safe and sound sitting near the window as if nothing happened.
Leaving the train I couldn’t help asking the ticket inspector where my neighbor had spent the night. He answered that they found him in a luggage carriage. The man worried about his dog and couldn’t leave him because it was the dog’s first time traveling by train.

Thank you very much for reading my story! I wrote it for my English class a few years back. English is not my native language, so if you've found some mistakes I can only apologize:)
Please, leave your comments below, I would really love to know what you think!
Great story! I thought a werewolf would tear him up at the end or the hero himself would turn out to be a werewolf! It is a pity that your post is unpopular(
your ideas are cool) maybe next time I'll go with that twist