There is something I say very often, almost to the point of annoying many people: "You are a big deal. There is no other you on this planet. In all of human history there has never been another you, nor will there ever be."
You think the way you do because of the experience that you have, and there is nobody in the world who has lived your exact life and derived the same meanings from every experience you have had. Those experiences have shaped the way you think.
The fact that you free write only means that you are sharing the things that only you can share with the world in the way that only you can share them. I thank you for leaving your mark on the world and in our minds.
To share what only you can share is the greatest gift you can give.
Isn't life more interesting when we explore ourselves and see what is actually inside? Too many focus on what is right without ever investigating the truth of the matter.
I totally agree, the truth is more important than what it right. The truth is something that can be found through exploration of all that eyes cannot see, ears cannot hear and hands cannot touch. First understand the truth, and what is right will come to you. To focus only on what is right will give you something that pushes you away from truth, which will only make you seek more of what is right.