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RE: Perez is letting Bloomberg buy WHAT?

in #writing5 years ago

Hi, @redbarron, I wasn't looking for the "Stats" on votes thrown out by the Hillary campaign, nor the Arizona stats where they closed polling places. This was strictly about MB and his newly purchased lackeys, the DNC. Keeping in mind the DNC IS NOT a government entity and can do almost whatever they want since they are "non-profit" (or so their articles of incorporation state) and are supposed to be non-biased towards any candidate. Oh, as a footnote, bloomberg has surged after spending over $300 Million to hold the second place behind Sanders, OBTW, CA threw out over 7 million votes that reflected Bernie Sanders had the lead as far as popular vote in CA. Also, I do not watch CNN or MSNBC or any other major media news. Mitch, out