Mystery Pill - SHORT STORY

in #writing7 years ago

Mystery Pill

Based on a true story, names changed.
This story is dedicated to Sapphier, light of my life, and your great success.

Scarlette hurried her eyeliner and fluffing her lashes while Violette straightened Scarlette's long red hair, at least ten minutes would be needed for lacing time. Sapphier and Andron sat sharing joints and cigarettes as the other two girls rushed themselves. Scarlette held on to the door-frame as Violette tightened her into her corset, a ritual well known between them both.
Violette whipped out a bunch of sugar cubes from her bag, "You guys ready? Who's first?" Violette distributed a cube each in the party.
They packed their kits and cash for the night and headed to catch the train into the city, a little buzz had come on. Soon they exited off the city platform, just a ten minute walk away from their destination, CluB Ditch. Together they strolled down the streets, leaving a trail of smoke in their wake.
"Shouldn't it be coming on a bit more by now?" expressed Violette.
"Yeah I've only got a mild buzz," replied Scarlette.
"I don't feel anything," murmured Andron.
"Mine's working!"
"Shut up Sapphie, you're a lightweight," snorted Scarlette.
"Oh well, I've got cash and I'll hunt down more drugs at the club."
"I know you will."
The group reached CluB Ditch and mingled with their friends and acquaintances smoking outside. Outside the club was often just as interesting as inside, it'd take you thirty minutes of fist bumping, cheek kissing and titty slapping just to get in the door.
"Bitch, I think you bought duds," huffed Scarlette as she lit up a cigarette as she stood in line to get in the door.
Sapphire bounced against the wall almost catching her blonde waves in her own cigarette.
"Holy fuck, chill. What the hell? I think Sapph got it all. Don't worry. I'll fix it."

Inside, the group preoccupied themselves dancing drinking and mingling. Scarlette went to catch up with her friend who happened to be DJ-ing the event. Within time Violette had hunted down the event manager who was also supplying.
"Mmm," Scarlette sipped at her drink, "Found us something, hound?" Scarlette asked as they sat at one of the tall wooden bar tables.
"Pure caps."
"Thank fuck," Andron bit into the lemon from his drink.
"Thought that would make you guys happy. But none for Sapphier."
"What!? Why!?"
"Dude seriously, you're the only one who reaped the benefit of like a hundred dollars of supposed acid and you're still buzzing. You've had enough, you've got drinks and we've got joints."
"So fucken Nick's drink got spiked hey," Scarlette abruptly announced.
"What!? The DJ? What the fuck?"
"Yeah he's not having a good time, they've had to swap him out. His girlfriend is trying to ease him down outside to get him in a cab to take him home."
"Fuck me."
"Yeah most know the drug dealers around the club too and it's definitely nothing like that. Shit isn't sold here, and the effects have been really nasty. Nick's usually a really calm and nice guy but he's severely agitated and freaking out. It was definitely a malicious spike, so it has to be some dick outsider."
"That's fucked dude. Just watch your drinks, or well, finish them. We'll be summoned out the back soon anyway."

The night club was in a strangely private location in the city, situated on the corner of a small side street, and alley that lead behind the businesses. Across the road was a 7/11 and ATM. Half a block up the road was a small courtyard on the corner of the main road. Currently, a street artist had hired the small alleyways space beside the club, and had covered the road in astro-turf, complete with astro-turf square benches, semi-lit with LED street lamps. It was a delight for the delinquents of CluB Ditch. A Wonderland-esque landscape beside the club, the music was clearly audible outside. The transformed alley became a smoking area, poi and twirling area, or those who just wanted to roll around on the turf in their stupor.
Violette lead the others outside, and they sat down across the turf.
"Oh we're being called," Violette announced as she checked her phone.
Scarlette and Andron exchanged high fives and stood up. Violette grabbed Sapphier by the shoulders, who was swinging her legs as she sat in her blue dress on one of the benches. Violette avoided being stabbed in the eye by Sapphier's aeroplane action cigarette.
"Listen. We're going to be like twenty minutes, just stay here, don't talk to anyone or take any drinks or anything from anyone, okay?"
"Okaaaaaay" Sapphire sing-songed back.
"Seriously, fifteen minutes dude, don't go anywhere."
Sapphier beamed up at Violette, pupils dilated, as Violette released her shoulders. Violette looked back as they rushed around the corner of the alley, Sapphier cheerily waved back.

The deal went down quickly, a cap and a half each, under the tongue. Violette flirtatiously thanked the event managed and went to return to Sapphier. She was too green to be alone for long. Scarlette and Andron split back off into the club, some of the burlesque and side shows were starting. Violette approached Sapphier, now slumped sideways, semi-upside down over the side of the turf bench. She then plopped onto the turf floor and began to roll around giggling, her blue dress rolling up to her waist.
"Hey you girls okay?"
"Yeah yeah fine," Violette shooed the person away.
"Okay okay," Violette grabbed onto Sapphier's waist and pulled her upright, straightening her dress, "are you alright, man?"
"I'm fiiiiiiiiine!" That sing-song pitch again.
"Haa okay, if you say so, why don't we just sit here and smoke. I still have a bottle of water and some gum."
Violette picked Sapphier up under the arms and put her on the bench but she promptly toppled off. Violette straightened her up again, sitting next to her, letting Sapphier lean into her instead. She grabbed cigarettes for them both and gave Sapphier the lighter. After attempting to flick the lighter several times without gaining a flame, Sapphier let out a child-like whine and kicked her feet, giving the lighter back to Violette. Violette held the flame out for her, Sapphier almost plunging into Violette's breasts as she tried to hold steady.
"Seriously man, are you okay? You're a bit worse than when I left you, is it the booze?"
"This really nice guy said hi to me while you were away."
Fuck. "Oh okay, did he want much?"
"Nah he just asked for a cigarette."
"Ok cool, you gave him one?"
"Yeah. He was like "You like you're having a good time!" and I said "Yeah" hahahaha."
"Oh ok, he wasn't weird?"
"Nah he was like "Here this will keep you going" and gave me this pill and left."
What the FUCK! Well.. White crowns are circling and they aren't very strong.. "Oh that's nice of him. Did you see what it had printed on it or the colour? Did it have a crown on it?"
"I don't know I just took it."
FUCK! Bitch, I leave you alone for twenty minutes and this is what you do to me, I'll have to wait for the others to come out.
"I'm going to lay on the grass!"
"Okay hon, I'll be sitting here." Violette lit up a joint. It was going to be a long way home.

After a time Scarlette and Andron returned to Astro-Turf-Wonderland to smoke, wondering why the others hadn't joined them inside.
"Andron, sit with Sapphie for me."
Violette pulled Scarlette aside and relayed the situation.
"We left her alone for fucking twenty minutes and she takes some fucking mystery pill! I'm hoping it was just one of those crowns going around. She's alright for now, say your farewells, we need to start the walk back to your place."
Scarlette nodded and set off to say her goodbyes. Scarlette's home was about a thirty minute walk from the city, and generally no effort when high. It was a nice well-lit walk over a bridge, continuously along a main road and not overly dangerous. Andron caught on to the situation and began to assist Sapphier in gathering her possessions, standing her against the wall of the buildings a few meters down the road.
Scarlette caught up with the group and they began the walk home. Sapphier managed to stay upright thanks to her boots stabilising her ankles. As they left the city, Andron only guided Sapphier's way a few times but as the walk went on, her cognitive abilities began to compromise. Andron and Violette took turns propping her up as they marched on. Finally they reached the house and managed to get Sapphier on the couch in Scarlette's bedroom. Scarlette put some quiet music on as they attended to removing Sapphier's boots and jacket, making her comfotable on the couch.
Sapphier had lost most control of her limbs, she was like a doll, mailable, cold, mustering mostly "yes" or "no". They made themselves comfortable and shared joints as they watched over Sapphier. Her eyes were like black endless pools into an abyss. She responded briefly to tunes of songs, or sipping water from cups brought to her mouth. She began shivering and Andron grabbed one of the spare blankets to wrap around her. Sapphier brought her knees up, head titled back along the top of the couch, and stared at the ceiling, breathing heavily.
"Dude what the fuck did that guy give her, I've never seen this kind of bad reaction, it's hard because we don't actually know what we're dealing with."
Violette kicked herself for being an idiot. "Hey girls, you okay?" FUCK why didn't I figure it out at the time.
"It must have been the same guy that spiked Nick. I didn't realise it at the time but I think it was him."
"What the fuck dude."

Andron curled up on the mattress on the floor as the music was changed over to various cartoons on the television. Violette sat herself at the end of the mattress as Scarlette lay above to the right, across her single bed. Sapphier was directly in front of Violette and Andron, and to the left of Scarlette. They took turns dozing and watching Sapphier, but there was too much in their systems to sleep so they just kept circling joints. Sapphier kept occasionally responding to the cartoons, mumbling, but was mostly mindless, still staring at the ceiling, until suddenly she reached up.
"Sheep! Sheep..."
She began shaking her head back and forth along the back of the couch, Violette jumped up to keep her head still.
"Hey, don't hurt yourself, I'm here, what sheep?"
"Sheep, crawling.."
Sapphire dropped her arm and became motionless again. Violette and Scarlette shot each other a look and Scarlette went to prepare coffee as Violette rolled another joint. Dawn was breaking.