Writing tips

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

My Background:
I’m an Author.
I have five full novels, an anthology of short stories and a collection of seven short stories published, plus a number of stories and articles published in magazines and one multi-author anthology. UK US
I work as a professional Editor for a small Indie Publishing House.
I have a few years’ experience in publishing.
I was Editor in Chief of a large online magazine (approx. 100,000 hits per month at its peak).
My second novel, Cruel and Unusual was entered for The Orange Prize For Fiction in 2012.
I’ve written screenplays for movies and at least one of my stories has been made into a film.
I have a page on IMDB.

Pictures either with permission or from Google free to use image search

Writing a book is easy...

I can tell you how I write a book. I can tell you how other people write their books, that’s easy, it’s researchable – anyone can find that information. I think the reason you’re reading this is because you want to learn how YOU write a book.

I’m going to try to help you with that.

Part 1

You need to get into the habit of asking questions.

What genre do I want to write in? (That’s not even structured correctly - In which genre do I wish to write? is correct English, but let’s not get pedantic...)

My advice is to write in the same (or at least similar) genre that you like to read – it’s a variation on ‘write what you know’. Don’t plough headlong into a Sci-fi epic, high-fantasy tale if you’ve only ever been interested in romantic short stories. Think about it, how will you go about writing a full-length story about a subject you’ve never experienced? It may work, but the probabilities are stacked against you, and in an industry where there are thousands, perhaps millions of competitors, why stack yet more odds against your chance of success?

Choose the genre carefully because it’s best if you know it inside-out.

You also need to realise that this is going to be hard work. Not many people can write 5000 words a day, every day – I certainly can’t and I don’t know many authors that can – and once you get your head around the fact that this book, your book, will not be written in a weekend, the better off you’ll be.

I know it sounds like I’m throwing all sorts of obstacles in your path to writing success, but think about it, if these few words are putting you off, just how committed to your book are you? And one thing is for absolute-double-damned-sure, you HAVE to be committed to writing your book(s).

Back to it then…


What books do you read? What titles are on your bookshelves? If you take a look (go on, I’ll wait) which names are written most often on the spines of the books you buy, borrow or steal?

Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Anne Rice?

Maeve Binchy, FAITH MARTIN, LJ Ross?

Bella Forrest, Blake Crouch, Michel Faber?

Horror, Romance, Science Fiction – in that order.

I suppose, if you have all the names on your shelves, you’d be set to write a romantic sci-fi horror, but those genres don’t usually all mix together. Still, stranger things have happened.

I must add one warning.

If you’re writing a book because you believe it’s going to be easy, get out right now. I doubt Stephen King, Anne Rice or J K Rowling would agree with you and they would know better in this case.

Please don’t try to be clever about this. Writing a book in the ‘best selling’ genre will NOT work – really, honestly and truthfully, it will NOT. Writing a book for profit works best if you have a massive following that hangs on your every word and want to throw their money at you because they’ve loved everything else you’ve ever written.

In other words, you need a following and you need a back-catalogue. If you’ve not got BOTH of those things, then you need to move on and forget that strategy.

I’ve read the ‘rule of thumb’ is to have at least 6 books in your back-catalogue before you can even start to think about writing full-time without other work. That’s because your readers, if they like what you’ve written, will perpetuate your book sales by buying your seven books and raving about your writing on review sites and the like. Those things – 7 books, followers, fans and perpetual sales – don’t come easy. I know I keep banging on that same drum but it carries a tune, I promise.

Of course, you could get a Ghost-writer to do the hard work for you, but that means putting your money up front and hiring a good Ghost-writer. @markrmorrisjr is one I know of and he’s good, he makes a living from it, and he charges for his time, his experience and his expertise.

Back to the questions.

Is my story worth telling? Of course, if it’s not, then your journey ends right here. If you don’t think it’s worth telling, then no-one will think it’s worth reading. Save yourself some time and go to the next project.

You should now have a genre and the knowledge that your story is great. The next thing to figure out is whether your story is complete.

Well, is it? Does it have a start, a middle and an end? Again, if you are missing even one of those vital components, you may as well not bother starting to write because you really do need all three. And in case you’re asking, a title for your book does not constitute a start.

You need a hook, a great start, believable and likeable (or loathe-able) characters and a scene to hook your reader in so they want to keep on reading until their eyes bleed (or at least until they get sleepy and can’t read any more).

When I started writing Deadlier Than The Male, my first novel, I didn’t have ANY of those things! I didn’t have experience of writing books either, just articles for magazines and blogs.

That journey started in 1999, almost two decades ago and what I’ve learned in that time, I’m going to try to share with you. If you want me to share it all with you, of course.

I started Deadlier with this scene:

Hazel walked slowly towards the boundary of the wood. Her Wolfhound – Mika - was missing and had been gone all day. As she pulled her woollen wrap tighter round her shoulders her pace was slowing as she neared the trees.

She called out for him often "Mika! Mika!" Listening to hear the deep bark from him, she walked on.

She wandered further into the woods. It was getting late and starting to grow dark and she perhaps should have been thinking about getting back home to wait and see if Mika could find his own way home. Before long she was out of the less densely wooded area and into the forest proper.

"MI-KA! MI-KA!" She shouted again.
Hazel’s voice was starting to sound shaky and she was on the verge of tears, but she didn’t stop looking for him.

Dusk was beginning to steal visibility; every shape was melting into shadows and darkness. Trees and bushes were becoming indistinct shadows and she was starting to shiver not so much with cold as with fear.

Startled at the slightest noise, Hazel decided to turn around and go home without Mika.

As she turned, she froze at the sound of a large branch snapping over to her left followed by total silence.

It was the utter deathly silence that came after the snapping sound that set her yet more on edge.

The noise was not a natural sound made by a creature going about its usual business of survival. Whatever had snapped the branch was large and either aware of the noise and was now trying to conceal its whereabouts or had deliberately broken the branch to see her reaction.

Cocking an ear and listening intently, she started moving again, as quiet as possible she picked her way back down the overgrown and - at times - indistinct pathway. Whatever was following her was keeping very quiet but the silence which enveloped her told her that it had not gone away and the smaller inhabitants of the wood disliked it as much as she did - they were either scattered or sheltered.

If you’ve read my books – or the book I shared early on in my Steemit.com career, you’ll notice that this scene doesn’t appear in the book until Chapter 3 and there’s a good reason for that – it’s because I was ‘winging it’ as I wrote it.

I had no idea how to write a book and I had to alter and change things as I went and the book took 2 years to write.

Last year, I wrote a book in 6 weeks. I admit Ash and The Favour Man was not as big as Deadlier, but if I expand Ash to the size of Deadlier and multiply the time by the same, (170,000 words for Deadlier and around 45,000 for Ash), I’d still have a book finished within 24 weeks – a quarter of the time it actually took.

Want to know more?

Drop by tomorrow… I’ll have another tip for you.


Writing a book in 6 weeks time is not an easy task but you did it. To be a writer is to be blessed. Only a gifted and blessed person write a book. You have provided a workable plan how to write a book. May be one day I would attempt to write a book through inspiration like you but write now I'm reading good authors like you. Thank you for sharing your valuable knowledge.

The best way to learn how to be a writer is to read. Thank you for your comments.

wow great. you looking great author. Happy new year may this year bring a lot of happiness and prosperity in your life.

I disagree with one thing you said, "Is my story worth telling? Of course, if it’s not, then your journey ends right here. If you don’t think it’s worth telling, then no-one will think it’s worth reading."

I read popular crap all the time. As in crap that for some reason is popular. Granted creating something you don't care for often comes off as soulless, but some people can do it. Not just in book form either, the world is filled with creations hated by its creators but loved by fans.

This is such a good observation that I've included it in today's post. Thank you. I hope my explanation is satisfactory to you.

I actually saw that before I saw this. You are welcome, and your answer was indeed satisfactory.

Thank you! :)

it is usselful sience and information.
actually i am one of teachers in one juniour high school that got the problem in writing. i tried any more, but i could not until be frustacied. but now i got the poin of writing couse of your usefull blog.
thank a lot @michelle.gent

I am looking forward to moving. For me when I am out in nature I have stories that flow from me. But when I get back home and to my computer it just dries up. The house we just built is on a fairly large wooded lot. When I am out there the stories flow. So I am hoping once we are living there I can just take my laptop outside to a bench we are gonna place into the woods and the stories flow. I think I am more of a horror, mystery, suspense kind of genre. I know when I start spinning the stories to my friends when we are out in nature, I freak them out.

Another reason we're so excited to see you get into that house - looking forward to the stories you write there.

One of the things I like about Steemit - the community and support from other authors <3

Sounds perfect! I think you're going to have requests from writers (me) to be invited to stay with you in your idyllic writing retreat!

Anytime once we actually get to move in

The last person that said something similar - "If ever you're in Canada, come visit..." actually got a visit 2 weeks later! :)

LOL I like visitors so that would be okay. After we get moved anyways. We are waiting on the city to get a permit from the state so they can run the electric line across the hi-way

Wow! really out in the sticks then!

It will be wonderful for your creativity!

No it is on the outskirts of town the electric lines needs to cross a hi-way so a permit from the state has to be issued. Thankfully it isn't the interstate that requires a federal permit.

Beautiful crafted write up and detailed tips will love to follow keep sharing tips by the way how can we buy these books

My Amazon link is in the post (green text) and the link is also on the front page of my blog. Everything I've written is to be found in my blog, however, and so you don't need to buy them. Thank you for asking.

Great information and makes me want to get back to writing more. I just need to sit down and do it! Thanks for the "nudge"!

You're welcome! And thank you!

excellent information for those wishing to delve into writing... upvoted and resteemed

Thank you. I'm pleased you like it.

Thanks, Michelle. Great advice, as ever. I wish I had access to advice like this when I was 18 (instead of 48!). Wishing you and your family a really happy and successful new year :)

I find your writing very amazing still :D I can't even begin to imagine what it would have been like had you been writing since you were 18, as you said :P

Good point! I was a different person back then... so who knows :)

You're welcome! I wish I knew then what I know now, too.

Then again, I'd probably not have anywhere near as much material for the stories... ;)

You make me want to go back to writing. I have so many ideas... but the main issue is sitting my ass down and typing instead of steeming, hanging out on social media and working too much.

Ah... that's the thing I can't help with ;)

Oh well. I guess you can't do EVERYTHING for me. :)

Hahaha! No, not everything!

Great advice for aspiring writers. Finding the right genre is the most challenging for me. Can’t wait for your next post.

Thank you, yes, it's difficult.

I tend to write stories that are very dark and usually fit into 'horror' so I'm fortunate ;)

your advice as an old wine, they are expensive and very valuable. As a person who professionally deals with writing, you gave us great advice that can be taken as a handbook for writing. I admire your creativity and really appreciate your advice, thanks :)

Thank you. I also know the writer would not be anywhere without readers and for that, I thank you, too.

There’s something to be found in this post for even the minimalistic blogger. Writing requires the ability to catch a readers attention and doing so requires knowing who you are and what you’re trying To accomplish. I just followed you!

Thank you.

I think you summed it up perfectly.

Thanks Michelle. As always, great advice .
Cornwell & King - My 2 favorites:)

King is a firm favourite, but I'm a little fickle where others are concerned. I go through spates of reading everything I can find from one author and then leaving them alone for a while.

I love writing short pieces, but anytime I try to force one into a longer story I don’t enjoy it and it falls apart. Is there a market for short stories, or should I keep trying for a novel length work? Congratulations on your success!

There's a market for short stories, absolutely! Writing for magazines - both online and print - and blogs, competitions etc. are a good way of getting your name out there. But don't try to force your writing, if you like writing short stories, thats great! Do that :)

Thank you so much for the reply. Your encouragement means a lot to me. I will keep writing, and follow what the successful people are doing here. To be honest though, I am going to write whether I’m successful or not, because I love it.


Then you're already successful! Well done and keep going! :)

So sweet of you! Have a great day :)

These are great tips, @michelle.gent. It seems these days, everyone aspires to be a great writer but don't want to put in the work. It is like any career use chose, you need to pay your dues. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Yes, I've noticed that throughout my career... everyone wants to be successful but they want it in an instant. Nothing worthwhile happens instantly.

I absolutely love this Michelle and I have always wanted to write a book, hence me reading through and resteeming this. You're such an established writer and I'd even been confused with reality and fiction you write so well, or I'm so daft! Thank you so much for your invaluable teachings, it has really inspired me. Thanks so much and Happy New Year to you and your family.

Well, thank you so much for that wonderful testimonial!

That you say my reading has seemed real to you is such a compliment! Thank you.

I hope my advice helps you (and others) to achieve what they really want in their writing career.

Happy New Year to you and yours! <3

For me, step one is always putting ass in chair. Step two is turning off all the distractions. And step three is giving myself permission to stare at the wall for an hour.

(I think I got the last one from Neil Gaiman.) It's amazing how fast the ideas come sucking in once you turn your mind into a vacuum. I don't think I've ever made it through the hour without writing something.

Good points!

The human mind is an awesome tool. It makes 'movies' for itself - my job is to write down my movies. I'm fortunate that other people seem to like what my mind comes up with.

Yeah - keep writing down those movies!

Unfortunately my mind movies tend to be pretty low-budget these days.

I'm like, "C'mon brain. You can do anything. It's not like we have to pay for special effects."

And it's like, "Shall we explore middle class suburban ennui again?"

And I'm like, "Fine. But can the suburbs be in space at least?"

"Earth is in space."

I helped out with a children's writing competition once...

A girl was asked which she preferred, TV or books - she said, "Books because the pictures are better." I assume she meant the ones in her head ;)

I love this! Glad she learned early that the theatre in her head was in high-definition!

I think we all are privileged if we learn that particular lesson :)

@michelle.gent I am glad you are doing this type of post again ... I can use all the writing tips.
Stopped in to check on Dusty to make sure she is holding her own with the Devil (small nemesis..lol) I heard the bigger the nemesis the better the story.
I have no time right now so will resteem this and then read it later and return to read the follow up post on this writing.

Sad, when you are able to get all this out and I don't have time to read it.
Thank you for helping us. There was a time I was afraid you would not be around much less put out these great posts!! ✔️ ❤️

added comment: I now see there is the next on Dusty..wow!! I better get on Steemit more often, I will be back to read it too. BTW: I never read Scify ..love the movies but read non fiction and here you are getting me into it.

Yeah, I'm afraid I've been ill for a few months (physio every 2 weeks or so) and some things get me down. I'm pleased I decided to ignore the trolls and get back to doing what I enjoy. I'm also exceptionally grateful for everyone's support, well-wishes and advice to ignore the haters.

I think I've just-about decided that the book I've been asked, badgered and requested to write is in the throes of being written - these tips and advice is going to be collated and I do hope it helps people to write. There's far too much negativity and discouragement for writers.

I can write non-fiction too... but I do prefer the stories :)

agreed. You are paving a path for other writers. It is never easy to pave a lot of cement is required.

I could do a lot with a few pairs of cement boots... ;)

I know you could haha :)


Nice post mam.You always upload importance post thanks for sharing.

My wishes for you are not limited to just the next year.
Have a fun-filled, smashing, rocking and happening New Years 2018.Upvote and resteem done done.

thanx for sharing​ the tips. sure I will follow your tips. and if you will give me the link to​ your books. it will be better. stay blessed. <3

Thank you. The links to my books can be found by clicking the green text in my post above.

My Pleasure. ;)

Thats a great tips my friend...I follow this tips my writing story...thanks for sharing..Best of luck..

Thank you! You too.

Most welcome my friend..
I will wait for your new blog...

Amazing, incredible. you looking extraordinary creator. Happy new year may this year bring a ton of satisfaction and flourishing in your life.
Upvoted and resteemed

I'm always being told to write romance and erotica because that's where the money is, that's how you make a living. The truth is I am much more passionate about intensive world-building, the kind you find in fantasy and sci-fi. Usually, others try to discourage me from it. But it's where I find I am the happiest and most comfortable. Seeing success from writers like you, simply writing what you know, gives me hope. Thank you!

Hey @danportuondo, if you are writing to make money and have the experience and skill to churn out money-making books, then yes, romance is certainly where the money is.

I'm with you on this. I write because I like writing. If I had to make a living from it in that way, it would swiftly turn into just another job and I'd become bored and disillusioned.

Do what you need to do for you :)

Thank you @michelle.gent your words of wisdom are like sandpaper to my sole. ;)

Smooooth! ;)

That was interesting. I have read many things about writing and your post is extremely wonderful. I have learnd very much. I do really dream to be a writer. I have written short tales and I know that I need a lot to learn. I do thank you for your tips. I surely will follow you to learn more.

Thank you. I'm pleased you find my tips of some use.

your post i love @bijoy123

i love your post

Cool post alot of advice and pessimistic

thanks for the nice info :)

I wrote a book in my language. It was not easy, nor complicated. Sometime I had the inspiration to write more, sometimes less. I needed around six months to finish it. Though I got good feedbacks about it, I feel like the ispiration doesn't come for the next one. Thank you for shareing your story.

Thanks for your comment. I hope some of these tips will bring the inspiration back for you :)

I should tll you that I am venezuelan and my native language is spanish. I will write in my language, even though I need your tips. And I want to know if you could see my writings and give me you opinions.

I think the tips work in whatever language you write in. Good Luck!

Thank god that I found your post here. I think you're absolutely an amazing writer and officially become one of my favourite author!

Interesting and thanks for sharing some secrets to your success.