Storytelling mentorship group.

in #writing7 years ago

Here’s an idea I’ve had rattling around in my head for a while now. A storytelling mentorship group.

Because I can’t possibly mentor everyone that asks me to look at their blog, this will have to be a limited membership, so please think hard if you’d like to join in, because there will be a commitment to be made.

Also, you’ll need to be absolutely certain you want to hear constructive advice because it can come as a bit of a shock sometimes.

Know this, however - I will never be mean or nasty with the advice. That’s certainly not my way. And I will also discourage anyone else that is deliberately mean or poking fun at another’s writing.

I hope everyone will join in on every aspect of the mentoring group – that means giving views and opinions on the other members of the group’s writing too.

I’ve been honing my writing skills professionally for around 20 years now and have a bit of experience before then too.

If you think you can commit to a regular contribution (once a week?), follow the guidelines of the group regarding tags, give a consistent input (take part in the writing project) and give opinions and advice to others, please say so in the comments below.

Also, let me know if you would like your contribution to be part of a longer piece (for example, a short story or even a novel) so I can take that into account.

Of course, if no-one is interested, that’s fine, but I cannot give advice or critique on posts outside this group.

Limited space – let me know if you’re interested.

English posts only – sorry, I don’t believe I could give good advice from a translated work.

At least 500 words in each post (that’s why I’m giving you a week between each project) and no more than 1000 words.


Let me know.


Have you considered joining the @isleofwrite ? They already have a framework and team for workshops and mentorships. Also, awesome people.

Aww, we try :)

This does sound like an awesome idea and this especially is in line with exactly the environment of community we encourage at the Isle:

Know this, however - I will never be mean or nasty with the advice. That’s certainly not my way. And I will also discourage anyone else that is deliberately mean or poking fun at another’s writing.

This would be an amazing opportunity for anyone who joined, so I'm going to share the link in our server. It's a little more structured than what our regular workshop offers and with the experience you bring to the table I expect anyone would be lucky to be a part of it. I may even be able to find time for one piece a week myself. I need to lol.

We are very decentralized over at the Isle. We have several "outside" groups for whom we set up a cabana of their own, like the Freewriters and the Teacherless Writing Groups. They've found it a nice spot to do their own thing without disruption or interference, while also having a ready made community of creatives just outside the door. If you think it might be a place you find kindred spirits or even an easy spot to mentor from, stop by and give me a shout. I'm Just Jess (jrhughes) over there.

This seems like the perfect place! Why have I not found you before? I'm rubbish at navigating, sorry.

I'm going to check you guys out though. I think your groups will help in what I have planned and an amalgamation would be awesome if you're up for it?

We absolutely are up for it! As for not finding us sooner, we only opened our "ports" about a month ago but the response has been...breathtaking. I think there's just been a real desire for a place like what you described: Constructive but not mean. And we've worked to be such a place. Look forward to seeing you there!

OOh! Sounds exciting!

Come to to the Isle. We're like a graphomania support group - we encourage each other's nasty writing habits.

I have shared also a cake recipe in make-orbake inspired by you.

Awesome! I'm going to look!

I have a question. I have long been engaged in writing (not professionally, but many people have evaluated), I wrote and uploaded my work on the site. All this was in the genre of mysticism. I like to create an atmosphere of surprise and confusion.
The essence of my question. You are writing.

English posts only - sorry, I do not believe I could give good advice from a translated work.

Does this mean I should not try? You will not be in charge of my messages if I originally do them in another language?

I have a wish.

No it doesn't mean you should not try. What I mean is that if I have to run the piece through a translator, it wouldn't be as good as if you posted it into English - which is what you also said - (I think that's what I mean - please do join up).

I understood what you meant
what topics are you welcoming?
conditions is it to publish one story a week?
We use a certain tag?

I'm very much interested in the mentorship program But I also need better understanding of what I'm joining, like can there be a way you can explain better? Thanks

I was hoping to discuss the plan with the people that showed interest - to not only give what I think everyone needs, but to ask what everyone would like to receive.

I hope that makes sense.

Okk, thanks much

Yes, I too am interested in joining your writing group. Need more information before jumping in. Thank you for taking the time to encourage new writers.

Please free to ask questions. This is evolving as we speak.

Topics are my biggest question. It is difficult for me to write about something that is of little interest to me. Like most writers it is easier to put words together on a topic I am passionate about. Sometimes it takes guidance to fuel the flame.

I don't see a problem in that because I'm exactly the same. You don't see any posts from me about the world of finance - because I just can't wrap my head around it :)

Unless you want to write about things that don't interest you, I would think you'll be fine.

I don't want this group to be like that. A writing exercise will be on your current project, rather than me dictating what you should write about.

I suppose I'm hoping to walk people through their writing to develop an idea into a piece of writing, then a short story and ultimately, develop it into a novel - all from the germ of an idea.

That would be more than I had hoped for. Excited to be part of the group. Thank you.

i think this is a promising idea ...especially for those who consider storytrlling more than just a hobby

Thank you :)

it is the most binding job, but it is very fun 👍👍👍😋

wow. it is a wonderful post. thanks for sharing it with us. beautiful writing. hope everyone like it. keep it up.

Did you read the post?
Stop spamming kid.

thanks for sharing a good story
there are very interesting and ingormative post
carry on dear
waiting for your next blog

Thanks for this writing sharing.... i appreciate this story....

Good post, i am waiting what next..

thanks for sharing.
i appreciant this story.

excellent advice, dear,
its useful of the steemituser and thanks for sharing dear

It's really great opportunity for us. I am really interested in this.
I really wants to improve my writing skills through your blog. So I will join it and try to make myself better in writing.
Thank you so much for this great idea.

You're most welcome!

This is something I would be interested in.

Excellent! The more the merrier!

I am in as far as regarding giving views or opinion on other member's work in your mentorship group. Regarding writing or producing work it's too early to make my commitment because I do not know whether I have the ability to write good.

But one thing I definitely need is your guidance and advice regarding good writing skills. So, I will be grateful if you would like to consider to grant me membership.

I can see a place for reviewers like this and of course, because it's on Steemit, you'd be able to see and respond anyway, please feel welcome.

Thank you:)

I'm interested, my curiosity is piqued.

I have so many questions. My biggest fear is that I won't be able to commit to the schedule. And that's one of my biggest problems: life seems to get in the way of me being able to have a disciplined writing habit. Maybe something like this would be good....


I won't be taking a register and I won't be coming after you with a whip. I suppose what I'm hoping for is a regular enough group - perhaps a post once a week or so?

I really appreciate this.
I will like to join, thanksThanks alot for this wonderful opportunity, as a new comer in steemit, I have always loved to have someone I can look up-to so as to grow in this community. It will really be an honor to be mentored by you

That's wonderful, thank you :)

I am definitely interested. Can you give me some more details on how to sign up?

Sounds like you're in ;)

I think that is a wonderful idea, Michelle! I would love to join in a group like this but I don't think I can commit at this time. Too many things on the proverbial plate. It is, unfortunately, an inopportune time for me. :(

I seem to be seeing this a lot and I would like you to be comfortable enough and under no pressure, so I think I'll loosen up on the commitment side... easy-going, that's me :)

Thanks, Michelle. That is sweet of you to do. Life can be such a turd some days...especially when all I want to do is sit and write!

Are you planning of a discord?I'm interested but
My vocabulary is not that great ,I can write in simple English is that good enough or I have to play with words more?

I'm on discord and I don't mind answering questions there (although I think questions would be better here, where everyone can benefit from the answer.

Simple English is often better than convoluted, pretentiousness (big word for the sake of it).

Please feel welcome if you'd like to join.

I'm in 100℅,perhaps that helps me built my vocab too,just let me know how to join.

I would have been in. Alas, I am not a native English speaker and regardless of the language, I am not a hound writer. It takes me much tosing and turning to write a quality story.

Good luck with your project though.

Please join. There are no hard and fast rules and I think you'd be a great addition to the group.

So Michelle, how does one join your group?

By the way, I am writing reviews for stories and even wrote one for a story of @alienbutt

thanks for sharing.
i appreciant this story.

nice story keep it on

I am really interestedThank you So much for this piece

You are so amazing! Love your plan - and like I did with the @dolphinschool, I will be watching and cheering on from the sidelines (if that's okay). And I can actually think of a few people from there who might be interested in being mentored ....

You know I’m down Michelle- lead the way! Are you thinking of posting a topic this week?

By the way, I was also too shy to ask you to read the first few paragraphs of my novel. I've posted it 4 months ago and still didn't come around to ask for your opinion.

Please be as harsh in your critique as you want.I've been meaning to ask you to be my mentor but I am just too shy :-)

Hi I just posted a short story @mother2chicks not sure if you came up with any guidelines for your possible writing group. If you care to give me your honest feedback, I will graciously accept and appreciate it. Many thanks.

I'm in!!! Just show me the door please!!!