These tips are fast and furious. Don’t take them personally if they apply to you. Constructive criticism is sometimes hard to hear, especially if it’s about work you love and believe is perfect.
Believe me on this one point: It hurts because you know, deep down that it’s true.
Rather than allowing yourself to be upset, hurt or damaged by criticism, take it another way. Criticism is invaluable, immeasurable, worth more than money.
I say that because once money is spent, it’s gone. Critique, if listened to and actually heeded, can be used time after time to improve your skills in writing. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.
Listen. What I’m about to share with you is writer’s gold. If you recognise in your own work, traits that I list here, don’t get angry, upset or snippy, get practicing and lose the bad habits.
Do yourself and your writing a HUGE favour and your readers and characters will thank you for it.
Learn with me because I know there are some things in here that I should/shouldn’t be doing and I need to improve too!
Pictures from Google Free To Use Image search
For my background, check out these other tips.
Think about what you skip over when reading a book. Long descriptions of scenery? Over-wordy descriptions of things?
The chances are, if you skip over those things in a book, others will too and in that case, you know that you really shouldn’t put the same things into your book – don’t you?
Again, stopping the flow of the action to describe something that’s not moving the story along or not adding to the story puts the brakes on for your readers and BANG! they’re lost to you. They’ve thought of something they must do or even, something they’d rather be doing and who knows when they’ll pick up your book and start reading again.
The upshot of that is they’ll not finish the book in one sitting and they’ll not be clamouring for your next book – and you’ve lost a fan, a reader and a customer.
Have you noticed that I space-out the paragraphs in my blogs? That’s to make it easier on the eye. It’s the same in books – to a greater extent.
Massive paragraphs appear daunting to the reader’s eye sometimes. I like a little ‘white space’ on the page I’m about to read. Think about that when you’re writing, space-out the action, pace it well and the reader is yours, captive and engaged.
Inviting? Pleasing to the eye?
The advice above is especially true on Page 1. Your opening page is your ‘hook’. Don’t open with the weather… please! The reader wants to see who they’re being introduced to at the earliest opportunity. Give them people, characters, personalities as soon as you can. Once they either like or loathe someone, they want to follow to see what happens to them.
Characters on a journey, an adventure... let's follow them...
If you have a ‘prologue’, lose it – or at least hide it in the story somewhere.
A prologue is nothing but backstory and that’s fine.
Backstory is good as long as it’s not ‘info-dump’.
Don’t drop the backstory on the reader’s head and expect them to suck it up and be fine with it. Again, the story needs to flow and if it doesn’t flow, your reader will close the book, get up and go and do housework – or worse, still… pick up someone else’s book.
Back story can be just as fascinating as the story itself if you do it properly.
Make the reader want to know more about your characters and weave that backstory in. Give the character a reason to tell his story to the reader. A compulsion to do something – be that a double-tap on each kill (one hit wasn’t as dead as he thought and recovered enough to give the hitman enough trouble to warrant the double-tap being implemented in future hits) or checking the mailbox twice a day (the postman once came back to deliver a letter he’d missed and because she didn’t check the post box again, she missed an important letter that should have been dealt with immediately) – will give such a reason and foundation for that backstory.
So will a conversation, but that has to be written well too.
Info-dump can be clumsy if not delivered well and finding new ways to deliver it is down to you.
Description of characters is another important factor. Of course you want the reader to see that horrific scar down her face, taking out her eye so it’s a dead, milky orb, but you don’t need to go much further than that.
Teach your readers to think for themselves. Unless a characteristic is vital – like the dead-orb for an eye – it’s not important that you TELL your readers what the character looks like in vast detail.
My characters for example:
Red – she has red hair, a slim build and isn’t short.
Erzebet – dark hair, slim and petite.
Zack – one of my newest characters and I don’t know what he looks like yet, apart from the fact that he has muscles. I’ve left that down to the reader because if you try to force your will on the characters, the reader will not connect so easily.
Give the reader free rein to visualise and they’ll do a much better job of describing the character than you can because in their mind’s eye, they’ll actually see the character.
It’s all about immersing your readers into your story, making them feel like they’re actually there, living it with you.
Put your reader at the side of you, in the middle of the action and they’ll be disappointed when they have to stop reading and that means they’ll pick up the book whenever opportunity presents itself… which in turn, means your next book will be an instant and compulsive purchase and you have the start of a fan-base.
You need to passion with this topic, which yo have mention here similar i had found in before, that's clear out
You're really great and I've read some of your books.
Thank you very much for the tips and I promise I will use them ..hi I also want to write novels and now I see that you are giving tips on how to write them ...
Keep writing. You're great at it.
interesting read
very nice writing story,thanks for sharing this post..
You already was written this topic..
Today your part 2.
Thank a lot for sharing your writing story tips.
I apply this tips.
And already little bit gain knowledge of writing story ..
Please carry on your one by one provide all tips
Thank you very much....😊😊😊
Really very useful post:)
And I have a question for you? How do you coordinate the subject without spelling mistakes?
Is there an Isaiah for this I'm using sites to correct my words
Like Grammarly what you think?
Very nice article
Thank you, short and sweet🤑
Is that a character description? A description of yourself or you think Michelle is short and sweet?
All of the above 🧐
🤣 too much, quick thinking @s0u1
I think if I skip any little word of your article I cannot improve myself.
I love your advice. Your every point is really very important for me.
Your writing style always invite me to wait for your new post.
Thanks alot for your all suggestions.
I tend to skip the descriptions of nature and clothing while I read a book.
I imagine Zack to be a bit taller than average (6'1" perhaps) with short cropped ginger hair and green eyes. A massive tattoo on his left arm and a small but noticeable scar on the back of his head.
I imagine Zak to be in another blog.
Ginger? You have a very vivid imagination. In stories all ginger boys/men are geeks with round glasses.
Well, I think that Tormund Giantsbane would disagree with you.
Better example needed please. Big with bushy beard does not fit my idea of Zak. Michelle's writing gets us to see the characters how we see them so we will always be correct in our own way.
Keep these metaphorical slaps around the face, coming.
(I'm not a masochist)
To the point, pointers, are great for people like myself...
Very true about critique and how it is received and should be received.
Growing up in a time of "literary scarcity" (when we had to pay for our books, magazines and newspapers) all those densely packed paragraphs seemed so much more valuable, didn't they? Not only that, typing short paragraphs with tons of white space around them, I could just hear my grandmother growling at me, "Why are you wasting so much paper?"
I keep having to remind myself that screen-space is limitless, and words spread out are so much easier to read.
Plus, I'm with you on simple character descriptions. Who really remembers all that description anyway? It's always funny to get towards the end of a book and say, "Wait, Ygritte was a redhead?"
Very interesting post..
Thanks a lot for sharing it
Our daily tutorials are very helpful. Thank you very much You're a blessing to writers 😊
This is so true. An example comes to mind...Margaret Mitchell's Gone With The Wind. When I read the book I could visualize the characters with a certain clarity. When I saw the movie, I was disappointed in a few of the characters because they weren't as I visualized in my mind. Actors fault or casting? Perhaps a bit of both...
your is a direct proof that it is interesting to read and after reading - you are left with a slight sense of euphoria and most importantly with interest you are waiting for the continuation ...
The example with Zack is direct proof that you allow us to imagine this character by ourselves, this makes our fantasy work, and it's like any reader.
Thanks, as always, write only useful tips
These tips are gold. I always have a problem with the info i want to give to my reader. I never know when it is too much or too litte.
I have read amazing novels that give next to zero information to the reader. Everything, including the world itself, is a mistery. But they make such it an interesting place that you just have to know more.
Others are incredibly dense. Specially some fantasy novels. They give you such a great deal of backstory and history and data and maps and stuff that you feel tense. But again, they are SO TERRIBLY INTERESTING that the hook you.
But again... if you bore the heck out of your reader, don't expect him to follow you. Even if you give him all the info, or nothing at all.
It is always hard to hear criticism
Great tips as always, I find when I write I have to be rather critical, sometimes that means a 10m blog post will take 2 hours, however the end result i'm far happier with.
thank you again, with each posting of info you do I can not help but look at my writing and find my weak points. I may not be able to find them all in one go but your posts give me incentive. My new story did not make it into the contest it was intended for, but I am now seeing it as something more, a much longer story. My creativity is flowing. I know the story I want to tell and how it should flow. Your informative posts are helping me to write a much more interesting and readable tale...I thank you.
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