Waiting for the uncertainty

in #writing7 years ago


Blood flows slowly from open wounds. You're smiling at me as if sewing milliards for this wound. The pain radiating into my nerves awakened my brain, I started playing the tape again, what happened and why? I find out in your face whether you keep something I do not remember. Just tell me and be honest. .though I will suffer even more because this will be better than you hide the dagger behind your back, wow, I'm starting to think you're involved in this big problem, love.

It's up to you to play hide-and-seek with my mind, I greet you but your voice is like a soft wind blowing goose-patterned ash net, you like a goose princess standing by the window. you smile at a woman dressed in white and white with a small hat over a haired hair that suddenly just hide your tiny face and the body of this immigrant is really an excess size not only your face that I want to always see again but also your whole body disappears soare you now inching where?I do not know what she said she was using a language I did not understand. I started calling your name, no reply. Ahk, apparently you're not in the white cube box with a little blue line of alternating hoses in the middle of the horizontal. the uniformed back filled the width of the door, before disappearing he looked away and threw a sarcastic smile, his head lifted and vanished. Oh, do I now always suspect whether or not she is smiling cynically or smiling sweetly. Hey! where are you? do not leave me with this striped blanket.

In fact I almost screamed but your smile was not present in my eyes. Seek ... do I make a sound?

I'm still struggling with details, I never thought you'd slam all of our dishes. Scattered to meet the cement floors. my eyes catch your eye. You are violent against all my repercussions.I pressed against the wall and slipped as I sat on my last detail sheet of paper, ironically a piece of paper I had been searching for had caused me a hell, my body slamming over glassware and plates on the cement floor. you do not scream even you do not ask for help as usual when we fight, you just stood and your hairstyle describes your power.

That morning my plan was to surrender my last writing and it had been determined to be the last writing for my promise to you why you did not give me this once in a while with my last file and you would have me completely and you would take me to the middle of the fieldpotatoes at altitude in the pandavas temple, Dieng.You complained that your night was full of boredom and you did not dare to play a bit as you accused me of my absence days near you, you mumbled in a nasal voice that I was too tired with some women. you whisper to the wall, that your happiness has been taken away since I proposed to you. If there is any reason why you are willing under oath with qobul's qobul in front of the guardians and witnesses, you hear that rumble when the new prince finishes the question, right? rumbling fills the room of your house down to the hallway of your village may as well to the cliffs and abyss of Kejajar. you write in every piece of furniture we have about my behavior that is not close to perfect even you start boldly comparing with the role models you get out there. you sing all over the room of our house with a thousand stanzas of lyrics of your unrest. the fire you put on each stove like a taste in your chest.

Writing has already become my bridge. The writing to fill the thirst of the cheeky tabloib editors also filled my thirst. before I knew the village girl who came to change her aunt's job as a maid in the place where I boarded it was Ayu Ningrum, I had eaten from my writing so why? is rich far from my hands, I was honest and I have been chosen to marry the handsome young Atmo who you say rambo. I am your choice and I choose you with all the reasons and considerations. when you ask about my first love to hide behind the words I said, really I do not love you. It is only time and need that drags my heart to then I admit that I have been completely dissolved in loving you, Love.


You want me to work like Atmo who obviously his position as a stirring cement so that every Saturday afternoon you say can together with Titin and Wati go shoping to the mini market. you exclaimed why I did not go along with your brother who all day sat hunched over a sheet of cloth for a suit. for like Atmo I obviously do not have muscle muscles like it and stirring all day can I not stand straight again is following my brother-in-law means I have to fight with a small hole and a thread how can I finish for a single shirt if the thread does not come inalso to the pinhole.for all my reasons you said preeeet.I did not always write my time out to make my fortune, to the north of the north, to trade my diploma, some work at first made my smile rise again but only shortly after I was limp with my job and tired of ambushing you started to showyour fangs.then you start making the decision to ban me by not sharing my bed. Sleep alone without snoring I can still dream. then you take the decision to postpone having a child I think you will be cold after a few days but it's been months you still with the writing in red ink in the room we are now just be your room with the words "Do Not Enter the Uninterested Bass" that youpick up from your new workplace at a shoe store at a new market number.I have an interest because I'm still your stud, Love.

Yes that morning I remember now. .after having breakfast and drinking your concoction of tea that leaves you from your shack in the village you are promising that we will soon pack out of this greedy city, leaving the crumbs like a trash can. You say we are like a bummy dog ​​that ration stinks. yes, I replied. Yes we will go after this writing paid off and suddenly you were hysterical and started raging. plate plates slid just hit the cement floor, broke like our hearts, glass clashing clinks and then following a shattered piece like our hearts. We.

I shrieked again I felt the muscles of my neck protruding, my fingers trembling stiffly just a circle of fans in the sky of the sky that I met not your face. The propeller's spin was silent.

Whether I'm dreaming or not, I see Atmo standing upside down beside my body lying on the iron bed beside my sister-in-law and you Love. my sister-in-law is full of compassion and your face is full of mystery.

Love I want to hoe in our fields. Love I want to be muscular like Atmo. I'm going to bend all day long when you want to be like your brother. I will always be behind you. You say cold dieng will make your fertile and I will have a germinating offspring. love listen to the voice of my heart. Read the inscription of my eyes in your eyes.


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