I wrote this 2-part, 800-page Jakesian/Randian historical romance on the Rockefellers and the decline of America... mepatriot (43) in writing

in #writing6 years ago

Two of my favorite authors are John Jakes ("North & South" trilogy-- that was made into an amazing TV miniseries starring Patrick Swayze, et al.) and Ayn Rand ("Atlas Shrugged," "Fountainhead," "Anthem," etc.) and this series is really a mixture of the two. (Or, at least I like to flatter myself that I nearly approximate, at times, those two greats.) Here is the lead-in to my listing on Amazon for "The Dodders of the Flax" series...Book One: Nottoway Creek, followed by Book Two: Knob Creek:

This sweeping epic lifts the veil from all of the history of the United States that has been covered up by the elite oil and banking influences and the tax-exempt foundations. By founding and funding the American Historical Association and the history department chairs at many of America's elite universities, they have kept most of the truth from YOU. This series, while technically “fiction,” is far more fact than what passes as “fact” and taught to our children today. America's development into an oil-dependent socialistic police/surveillance state using phony money under the control of Wall Street bankers and the idiocracy in Washington, D.C. is traced through several generations of the Cox family of Southern Virginia. While the family is mythical, most of their interactions are with historical characters. Many of the situations described did occur, and those that did not are probably closer to what really happened than what you've been told. Remember, just because the Rockefellers and their fellow travelers destroyed the documents doesn't mean it didn't happen! You have a duty as a real citizen of the real American Republic to read this and to spread the word! WARNING: This is real literature and not for the purely entertainment minded. Part One: “Nottoway Creek” covers the period 1833-1883, app. 400 standard pages. NOTE: Originally written in 2000 and declined by every major publishing house for obvious reasons. Part II: “Knob Creek” is now also available at Amazon.com


Alt right, patriots, revisionists take note!


this looks fascinating @mepatriot! what are the obvious reasons that this work was turned down by publishers? If it's controversial you'd think they'd be interested.

The only on that even replied(other than the vanity publishers) said they no longer take "literature." I suspect the truth is none of them wanted to be associated with a book that says the AHA is totally full of (you know what.)