Your nickname does not indicate contempt
I'm too fond of you
There are bonds that definitely unite us
Unbreakable through time
And I bet it's not just the years
What make you feel love for a guy
I bet that love is born out of nowhere
And they confuse you and leave you speechless
I was denying myself for a long time
That what I felt for you was something more than love
But what an idiot, or as your
That tared
The feelings do not hide
At some point you show them
The actions say a lot
And seriously I became more than your friend
We became accomplices and morons
And I need you enormously
I need to see you like every Friday
But being close
Or thousands of kilometers away
I do not forget you
And forever we will have a never ending story
So nice I'll talk about you to my granddaughters
So smart and brave you'll be in my mind
And they will know about you as you say: That my subconscious has a version of you
But how cute do you appear in my dreams
But how cool is this tie that we have
And if you ever read this
Feel proud that a Greek god
I made it immortal
In the words of a romantic madwoman
That will never stop loving you