Let us open minds, everyone will be happy to achieve greater success by doing something and achieving the result. But to achieve and survive, we must reduce the influence of pressure from our environment. Environment is also very influential on the success we will achieve. the most important environmental factors are friends. We must have friends who support and encourage and motivate to achieve what we dream.
In this case, recognize also friends who want to knock you down to no avail. when you tell honest stories to some of your friends, for example "Someday, I'll be a director at a company", what happen?, there are some friend of think you are joking. They may also underestimate you, and say, "you are a hapless person, of course it is just a fantasy and it is impossible". There is also a pretense to support you, but instead they want to knock you down in other words just pretend good.
Now, suppose you repeat the Same statement honestly by saying as before, that you will be the director of a company. How does your friend reaction?, An important thing he will not laugh, but he will stare at you and ask "Are you serious?. Know the friends who really want to help you and give you what you want and hope for.
Therefore, a big-souled friend doesn't laugh at a big idea. We must remember, that there are also friends who are jealous and envious of his friends who want to succeed and go forward. such a person can not be a faithful friend, sometimes he's just good in front of us, but he wants to drop us from behind because we do not want to succeed.
Develop a commitment to yourself. Accept negative advice only as a challenge to prove you can make it happen. Be very careful about this, Negative people are everywhere and it seems they are happy to block the positive progress of others.
From now on, get to know your friends. Maybe we should choose a friend, a friend who really wants to help. have with a different view than the others, friends who always give us spirit and motivation. of course always give positive direction for the progress and our success later, and get what we dream. Look for friends who are interested in positive things, friends who really want to see us succeed.
@makhzar, Dear sir is it your own experience about good and bad friend or you have seen from other ? Good friend always been infront of you to help and support but bad one only pull your leg and laughing at your vision.
Kita akan tahu mana teman sebenarnya mana teman asal-asalan saat kita berada di bawah. Cadass Bang @makhzar.. Saleum :)
wow ... is that your personal story about good and bad friends. @makhzar
May be useful :)
Nowadays @makhzar getting a good friends is not easy because the bad ones you have may eventually become your best friend and the good and pretentious ones may become your worst enemy. For instance let me use where i grew up from as an example. If you want to have a good and tight friend you must know how to abuse and curse each other very well. If you are not good at using curse words people in that environment will tag you unfriendly. For example in my area if you buy a new clothes and you asked your friend how good the cloth is he will tell you the cloth is bad. I find this your post very useful but i don't know how i can apply in my area.
Very true.. I always experienced that. And i learned my lesson now not to trust anybody and make my circle of friends smaller and choose those people that can be trusted.. Thank you for reminding us and for thr advise.. :)