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RE: I Had A Dream.

in #writing7 years ago

Do you ever worry that this is becoming too important and taking up too much of your mind's time? The fact that you're dreaming about it? I don't think I think that, but I'm curious if you've thought that through!

I remember in high school having a dream that I was so in love with this guy, but in real life, I didn't even really know him. It took me the better part of the day, to get rid of those feelings haha. I hadn't thought about that in years!!

You are so driven and so dedicated, that I know you will succeed here with whatever you want to do. In the meantime, don't be too hard on yourself. I've said it before, but your intentions and motivations are what's important. You are good, and I need to believe that good always prevails!


Do you ever worry that this is becoming too important and taking up too much of your mind's time?

Nope. I'm not worried at all.

The fact that I dream about these things proves that I am truly passionate about it. Just like whenever I've had dreams about my girlfriend or whatever.. It would be another situation if it were nightmares.. :D

Well, at least I hope so.

haha @hitmeasap, go with that then! I know you're passionate about this place with or without your dreams 😂