Ok, I have a Steemit account - now what?

in #writing7 years ago

Hi there Steemians!

When I initially signed up, I had no idea what I was doing. This seemed like an awesome community and I knew I wanted to be a part of, it but how could I contribute? Enter my brother in law, the reason I discovered Steemit in the first place. I had a million questions for him.

*“ What do people tend to post about?”
“What exactly should I post about?”
“ And how often should I do it?”
“What if I don’t have anything interesting to show?”

His answer was simple: "Treat it like a blog, respond to comments when you have time. Post every once in a while about whatever you like, maybe find a niche that suits you. 😊"

Right, right…like a blog. I could do that. I’ve had countless blogs in the past, growing up. I was 100% one of those super cool teenager who spent hours making my blog look just perfect. And yes, it did automatically play music when you opened it. I am so sorry.

Okay, find a niche. That seemed easy enough. I have interests, this was just a matter of sharing them with other people who might have the same interests. Of course, duh, seems logical enough. Then I had that moment of panic, do I even like anything? Yes, of course I did, don’t be silly self.

Oh God, but everyone will think it’s boring and lame!

As you can see when it comes to writing things and posting them online, I’m not nearly as confident as I pretend to be. Which is hilarious. Because that’s one of my jobs, I’m an entertainment writer for a local Vancouver magazine. I can write just fine, it’s finding something that other people will think is interesting, that’s….another thing all together.

But I had a moment with myself. You know, one of those deep ones where you stare at yourself in the bathroom mirror and call yourself by your full name so you know you mean it. I was being completely ridiculous. And that’s when I realized that yes, I was going to treat this like my blog. Which means it’ll include blurbs where I talk to myself, some random thoughts on whatever catches my attention, and if I’m lucky, one or two good quality interesting pieces.

I remembered that I actually did have a blogger account and in it I had half-started a few different blogs about different topics I was hoping to cover. So I put on my big-girl pants, dusted off my poor little posts and realized that yes, it was enough to at least start putting together something close to decent.

The three categories I have sketched out that I want to post about are:

  • Polishing It Up!: Sometimes I like painting my nails.
  • MinimaLilism: My journey towards a more minimalistic lifestyle
  • ArtisticaLili: Thoughts and reviews on shows, films and any other art that catches my eye

Yes, I think I’m being very witty with those last two titles. (I’m probably not)

I’ll explain a bit more about those categories in their own introduction posts. I guess I just wanted to write this to put something out there. To start getting back into the habit of doing this. This is already a really long post about…well nothing really, so thanks for those who stayed until the end. I should probably also let you know that every once in a while, there will be rambling posts as well...hey, I’m only human.

Catch you around, Steemians!

~ Lili

Pictures provided by Unsplash.


hi Lili, welcome aboard!

I'm also new to Steemit, and figuring out what to post does seem daunting at first, I think because of the money tied to it. but treating it like any ol' personal blog is probably the right idea.

[also, to fit the 'Lili'-naming scheme, what about "PoLilishing It Up!" ...wait, no, that's not nearly as good as I thought it'd be haha]

have fun on steemit, and good luck!

Hi there!

I'm glad I'm not the only one in this situation! BTW I checked out your account and really like the Egg Game!
And thank you for your suggestion, haha. I may just stop trying to be punny and see what happens.
See you around and good luck as well! =]

Hi Lili,

You just wrote everything I was also thinking of, literally every thought I had is now on your blog :)

I am going to follow you and looking forward to your niche.

I am also not sure yet what my niche could be.

C y around lilli. ^^

Hi there!

I'm glad I'm not the only one! It's so hard when you want to contribute but never know where to start, or how to start and spend so much time trying to make it perfect. I decide to just...write anything that comes to mind, haha.
I hope you find your niche! But no pressure either, the whole point is to enjoy yourself! See you around too!

Oh my gosh, I totally spent hours on how my blog looked too! 🤣 I used WordPress and I remember staring at all the different themes for ages, trying to find the perfect one. I'm looking forward to all of your posts! The ideas you have sound really fun.