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RE: I Won't Be Running For President This Year- Trump Stole My Idea

in #writing5 years ago

Yeah voting is a farce. You end up getting a choice between two bobble heads, neither of which you want running the country. But then there is also the case of convincing large groups of people not to vote in order to ensure that one specific party gets elected. If you can convince the younger generation that its a revolutionary idea to not vote, then you can basically maintain the status quo and stop any change from occurring in the country.

There are many ways to manipulate people. Even anarchy can be used as a tool of manipulation.


I used to think that if nobody showed up for the elections, then it would be obvious to everyone that the system is a farce. Reality slapped me when I realized that most people already don't vote, yet the media promotes the whole charade as if the big election is the most important thing going on for everyone. So already, the elections are unpopular in real life, but the media illusion still suggests that everyone is completely dependent on its outcome. So even if NOBODY showed up at the voting booths, we might not know it, and we'd just be fed more made-up numbers and charts like always, and most would never be the wiser. The manipulators of the group mind would probably use stock photos of crowds of voters if they needed visuals to sustain the sorcery. Hey... they probably already do that!

The mass manipulation is persistent indeed.